Chapter 1: Meeting Again

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Chapter One:

Two men huddled in a science lab, hunched over a mysterious glowing object. The taller of the two men held a small screwdriver in his hand, gently prodding the object before sighing heavily.

"I don't have a clue Bruce." He admitted turning to his companion.

Bruce stood up straight and huffed, raking a hand through his messy brown hair. "We have to figure it out Tony."

They both looked at the object once more, its glow pulsing from deep inside it. It was yet another tech mystery that had appeared thanks to the many threats the Avengers fought. They had been working on this specific mystery for nearly a week, unable to crack it and it was beginning to wear on them both.

"We aren't going to be able to do this on our own, Banner." Tony said, tossing down his mini-screwdriver. "The tech is just beyond what I've seen so far."

"We need someone way more advanced in this type of modern tech." Bruce agreed, as another man made his way into the lab, followed closely by a redheaded woman. The two had heard what Bruce had said.

"Do you know anyone?" Steve asked, his grey shirt stretched across his very built frame. His dirty blond hair sat just so on his head.

Bruce looked up at Steve and sighed once more. "Possibly, yes."

The red-headed woman spoke up, as she looked at the object. "Well, bring them here."

"No, we will meet this one on their turf, Nat." Tony spoke up, looking at Nat.

The flight to Wakanda was near silent as the four of them contemplated this tech genius and their ability to help.

They were met on the landing pad by T'Challa, the King of Wakanda. He nodded in greeting to each of them before looking at Tony.

"They are already waiting for you in the lab." He motioned towards the lifts and the quartet followed behind him. It took mere moments for the lift to get them from the landing pad, to the floor the lab was on. Tony led the way into the lab, with Nat and Bruce not far behind, Steve lagging behind a bit to talk to T'Challa.

As the door to the lab opened, the solitary figure in the lab spoke up.

"Welcome..." the figure spun on their heel and froze as their eyes fell on Nat.

Nat's eyes went wide as she took in the figure's face. "Hi Y/N..."


Memories of five years before began to flood my mind as I spotted Natalia. Specifically the night before she left, a promise to return broken until this moment.

The café around us was loud but not enough to overpower our voices.

"Do you have to leave, 'Talia?" I asked, not wanting to be without the woman I had begun to fall for.

"You know I would give anything to stay here with you." She responded instantly, her hand grabbing for mine. "And I would if I could."

I gently squeezed her hand. "My apartment is going to feel so empty."

"Hey, I'll be back for you." She promised, her voice calming.

"I am going to hold you to that." I vowed, looking into her blue eyes, trying to memorize every fleck of color inside them.

"But for now, we have one more night and I intend to use it well." She had that smirk on her face that said tonight would be an adventure in its own right.

I laughed softly and ran my thumb over her knuckles. "Oh? Use it well?"

Her smirk grew. "Yes, I have to make it count right?"

With another laugh, I squeezed her hand once more. "Make your lasting impression on me Natalia?"

"Is that a challenge? Because it sounds like a challenge." She looked at me, her perfect eyebrow arched just so.

"I wouldn't challenge you on something I know you'd live up to." I admitted, wanting nothing more than to hold her forever. She made a face at my words and I gently tugged on her hand to get her attention on me once more. "What's that all about?"

"I just don't want to leave you." She said softly, the volume of the café around us nearly blocking her out.

"Hey, one last good night. Deal?" I offered, knowing that our separation would weigh on us both.

"Deal." She agreed, smiling once more.

"See, it's all okay." I quickly paid the check and led her back to my apartment, where we spent the next several hours making more memories that would hold us over.

A clearing of a throat pulled me back to the present as I stared at the woman who had left me behind. I had had five years to get over the pain of her not returning for me, but just seeing her, alive and well, hurt more than I thought it would. In those five years, I had imagined the reason she had not come back for me was because she was dead, not that she just chose not to come back.

"So much for coming back for me." I commented, my voice rather harsh. Her face fell as she heard my words. I looked at the men and cleared my throat. "I heard you needed help. How can I help?"


UPDATE - 8/10/21 - Minor Grammar and spelling issues. :) 

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