Epilogue: 2028 - Five Years Later

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A/N: Guess what... this is it. This is the end of the story. I hope you enjoy it. 


POV: Tony

I watched as Morgan let her 4 year old brother chase her around the yard. Standing next to me was the love of my life and mother of both of my children, Pepper. While Morgan had my hair and eyes, Anthony Jr. - A.J. we had nicknamed him, looked more like her, dark red hair, blue eyes and fair skin.

"Dinner's ready." Pepper said as she leaned her head on my shoulder. I whistled, getting Morgan's attention. I waved at the 9, nearly 10 year old. She nodded, understanding that it was time to come inside.

"Come on A.J.!" Morgan called, scooping her younger brother into her arms. "It's time for dinner!"

The two had bonded nearly instantly when A.J. was born. The sibling bond is nearly unbreakable. The two never fought, which Pepper and I absolutely loved.

A year after the final battle, with the help of Shuri and Y/N, I upgraded the various prosthetics that the 'One Arm Club' had. My new prosthetic had a touch screen built in, that I used to control all the tech and various suits that I still tinkered with. While I had retired from the Avengers, I still had my legion of suits that I could remotely pilot if the New Avengers needed assistance.

"I am Iron Man." I whispered, knowing that these words started this whole journey of becoming the man I am.

"Yes, you are, love." Pepper pressed a kiss to my cheek, wrapping an arm around my waist and guiding me inside. "You are also Tony."


POV: Wanda

I had lost a lot during the years I spent as an Avenger. My twin died in Sokovia, my all-but-husband, Vision, was killed before the Snap. Y/N had given me the memory drive with Vision's code on it. I thanked her and kept it close. Vision had left a map to a small town in New Jersey, with a deed to a property. Knowing I shouldn't go alone, I asked Nat and Y/N to go with me.

The three of us made a road trip out of it. We pulled into the driveway of a partially built house, I could feel myself losing control. Y/N was quick to start throwing her thoughts at me, distracting me from the grief, if only temporarily.

"We should build it." Y/N spoke aloud, looking at the foundation. "We can call Clint and have him help out, plus I am sure Tony would hire some people if we asked."

It took a month for the house to be designed and built. When it came to painting the rooms, Nat and Y/N helped, each taking a room. I moved in, living alone for a while before I met Danielle. The two of us instantly clicked, both being twins that lost their other half. We started dating in 2025 and were still going strong, but not looking to take the step to get married yet. I had shown her my powers and she smiled softly. She also had powers inherited from her mother's bloodline that went back to Salem. Her blue powers mixed with my bright red.

Through our powers, and a bit of science, we welcomed a son in 2027, carried by Dani. Our son, Andrew Pietro - named for both of our brothers - had one blue eye and one green eye, one for each of his mothers' eyes. Andy had shown that he had the possibility of powers as well, the purple a pure mix of Dani and I.

Dani and the two Romanoffs got along amazingly, which was heartwarming. My family is finally complete now.



After helping Wanda build her new house, Nat surprised me with one of our own. It sat just down the street from Wanda. We both retired from the Avengers, knowing that if they truly needed help, we would return. I had gotten used to the powers I had gotten. It became a mild form of Precognition that I quickly learned to control.

The One Arm Club, as I had come to call Tony, Bucky and I, all got upgrades, thanks to Tony, Shuri and I. While Tony's was more high tech, mine had a small screen that linked with the tech in our house, as well as the compound. My prosthetic also had a hidden compartment that I often held a knife - a habit I had taken from Nat.

Lila bounced between the Barton homestead and our house in New Jersey. She had been offered a spot in college but she declined, joining the New Avengers as a mix of Hawkeye and Black Widow. Yelena took Nat's spot on the team, stepping up as the secondary leader when Sam - the New Captain America - was unavailable.

In 2026, with the help of science, Nat and I welcomed a baby girl - Aliana. She was a perfect mix of Natasha and I, with my hair and Nat's eyes. She and Wanda's son, Andy, became playmates, cousins really, despite being a year apart. While Andy showed possible powers, Aliana did not; at least not at birth. As she grew, she began being able to manipulate her toys without touching them.

Family had always been something that I had been missing, but here I was, standing on the back porch with Nat and Dani, with Wanda in the kitchen making dinner. The kids were playing in the backyard, kicking a ball back and forth. Yelena and Lila had disappeared inside somewhere, the two were close. Both Nat and I doubted they were close romantically, but they were still attached at the hip when they were together.

"This is Paradise." I muttered softly, wrapping my arms around Nat.

"Yes, it is." She responded.

"I'm glad you came back for me." I laughed softly. "Even if it took you a while to do so."


A/N: And this is it. Epilogue. It's actually kinda bittersweet. I've been writing this story since mid-August and now here in the middle of November I find myself sad that it's over. I hoped everyone liked the story.


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