Chapter 7: Thanos

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It had been almost a year since I moved to New York to be with Nat. I had met the whole team, with Wanda, Maria and I becoming quite close. They had begun to become the family that I had always wanted. I had not had a family since my parents died, and with no siblings, I found myself alone until I met Nat. Once I finally had Nat back in my life I had a family. Maria and Wanda were the sisters I never had, Steve had become an older brother.

Now a new threat loomed, Thanos. I had heard mentions of him over time, nothing solid, but it appears he is not the fictional legend he was made to be. The purple titan was threatening to wipe out half of the world's population.

Tony, Peter and Stephen had disappeared after the battle of Greenwich Village. Maria and Fury had been held back in Chicago, dealing with the fall out of Gravitron. It left the rest of us to deal with heading back to Wakanda to get Shuri's help to remove the Mind Stone from Vision's head.

Shuri and I had managed to figure out how to separate the stone, but we wouldn't have time to actually do it. I quickly started to filter my thoughts so that Wanda wouldn't hear what I had to say next.


POV: Wanda

Shuri and Y/N had started whispering in what I can only imagine Wakandian. It seems that Y/N instructed Shuri to do something, with her questioning whatever the request was. Whatever they were discussing, they agreed and Shuri turned to do something that I couldn't see.

"What's happening?" I asked, before my attention was taken over to one of the windows. I was shocked, they needed my help. "I can't stay. The team needs me."

Without waiting, I launched myself through the window and into the fight below.



We couldn't get the stone out of Vision, not before he too joined the fight. I looked at Shuri who managed to get what I asked her to do done. She grabbed her weapons and tossed a few things at me, knowing I knew how to use them. The two of us made our way down to the front line, our comms chirping to life as we got close.

"Y/N what are you doing down here." Nat called, a grunt following her words.

"I'm helping. I have weapons and training, My love. Trust me." I countered, taking on one of the aliens close to me. I took a few of them out before anyone else spoke up.

"I swear if anything happens to you, Nat is gonna be inconsolable." Steve spoke up.

Before anyone could speak up, a giant spike of lightning impacted somewhere near the middle of the fight.

"What the hell is that?" I asked.

"That's Thor!" Wanda said, as she landed close by. "He's a friend, don't worry."

"Sweet. But I think someone else just got here... and I don't think they are friendly." I motioned towards the forest. I could see the rim of what looked like a portal.

"Thanos!" She rocketed into the air and towards the portal.

I followed behind on foot, making my way close by. As I got close, I got sent flying by a hit to my upper stomach. I managed to struggle to my feet and put my hand to the wound. My hand came away bloody but I thought nothing of it. I kept fighting my way to where I could hear my teammates fighting. As I reached the small clearing, I saw Vision dead, his head caved in, Wanda on her back out of breath not far away. The man I assumed to be Thor had buried his axe in Thanos's chest, but the gauntlet in his hand was still viable.

"You should have gone for the head." He said, as he snapped his fingers.

I watched as people began to disappear into dust. My heart started to race as I quickly became dizzy.

"Nat!?" I called out, and she was at my side in just a few moments. She took my hand and looked me in the eye.

"Y/N... stay with me." I could see the tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"Natalia... I love you." I whispered, falling back into Russian. It was our language. It's something we fell into when others were around.

"I love you, Y/N. With all my heart." She answered back, the tears started to fall. "Stay with me."

I looked towards where I saw Vision, just in time to see Wanda dust. "Wanda!" I called, but she was gone. My heart broke at the idea of losing my sister. My chest began to hurt more, my breathing getting shallow and more labored.

"Nat, I.... I don't feel so good." I said, looking back at my love. "I don't wanna go."

Before anyone could say anything further, everything went black.


Super Short. but needed. 


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