Chapter 12: Recovery

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A little intermission between Vormir's trauma and the Final Battle With Thanos... Enjoy! 


POV: Nat

Yelena and Lila went to bed a few hours ago, but I refused to leave Y/N's side. She had been unconscious since just after returning from Vormir. My mind went over everything about that night two months ago.


"Ms. Romanoff, Ms. Romanova has asked me to inform you that she is going for a walk. She has her cellphone on her." Friday said, slightly startling me.

"Thank you Friday." I responded, looking at the time. It was just after noon. She would disappear on walks for an hour or so at a time, but she always came back. I lost myself in my work, only resurfacing when my stomach made a loud growl. I looked at the time: it was nearly eight pm. "Friday, has Y/N returned yet?"

"No, Ms. Romanoff, she has not returned to the compound."

I quickly pulled out my cell phone, checking to see if I had missed any messages or calls from Y/N, only to find it barren. Dialing her number, it rang out to voicemail. Once the message finished and the beep sounded, I spoke up.

"Hey babe. It's getting late and you haven't come back yet. Gimme a call if you want me to come pick you up."

I hung up the phone and sighed. "Friday, where is Yelena and Lila right now?"

"Both are currently in the living room watching a movie." Friday answered.

I headed to the elevator and up to the living room area. As I entered, Yelena looked up at me.

"You're late! Where is Y/N? She was supposed to join us for the movie night."

"She went for a walk and hasn't come back. I was wondering if she had left either of you two messages?" I asked. Both girls shook their heads and I ran my fingers through my hair. "Friday, I need you to track Y/N's cell phone. Right now please."

"Triangulating." Friday responded, pausing slightly before pulling up a map on the main screen. "She's in the city center, according to this, she has not moved from this spot in a few minutes."

"Send that location to my phone, something's not right. Lila, stay here. Yelena let's go." I could feel dread begin to fill my body. She wouldn't just not answer my phone calls. I dialed again, only for it to roll back to voicemail. I called another two times, heading to the garage, Yelena hot on my heels. I quickly sent her a text saying that I had tracked her phone and I was on my way. Racing into the city, I finally got a response from her. Yelena grabbed my phone and looked at the text.

"What does 'Queen Side Castle' Mean?" Yelena asked and my heart nearly stopped.

"Fuck..." I couldn't stop myself. "Respond exactly this: Checkmate - 2"

"What does it mean, Nat?" She asked again.

"She's in trouble. That's our code word. Like Budapest is for us." I stepped on the gas, turning a corner and coming to a skidding stop just a block or so down the road. "Y/N!? Look around, find her."

It took maybe a minute for Yelena to call me over to the darker area of the alley. My eyes fell on my wife and my heart broke. She was nearly naked, blood pouring from a large gash in her throat, and so so many bruises. Her left arm was at a weird angle as well, clearly broken in multiple places. I scooped her up and put her in the car, as Yelena began to try and help as best she could. Jumping behind the wheel, I raced for the nearest hospital I could think of. Not bothering to park the car, the car slammed to a stop in the ambulance unload area. Running inside, I screamed for help, grabbing the first nurse I could find and nearly dragging them out to the car. I helped get Y/N out of the car, her battered and bloody body a shock to the nurse and the team of staff that came racing outside with us. They got Y/N situated on the gurney and into the emergency room. Yelena agreed to get the car out of the ambulance area and the original nurse led me into the ER behind Y/N.

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