Chapter 6: Getting Closer

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Welcome to Chapter 6 - Here's a question for y'all - Do you mind time jumps? It would be stated and rare. Lemme know. 



After leaving the medbay, I dragged Nat with me to my quarters. Without a thought, I walked directly to my bedroom, not releasing Nat's hand. I only dropped the contact as I began to get ready for bed.

"Um... Y/N?" She spoke up, looking at anything but me.

I turned to look at her. "Yes?"

"What are you doing?"

"Getting ready for bed?" I answered, not seeing what her issue was.

"You are stripping naked... in front of me. Someone you haven't seen in five years." She clarified.

"I am." I nodded, pulling my shirt off. "Do you have an issue with that? We are married, Natalia." I rolled my eyes and quickly stripped down fully to just my boyshorts. She spun on her heel and faced the door. I could see the blush rising up her neck. "Natalia... you can look."

She didn't respond, so I continued to get into my pajamas. Once dressed, I wrapped my arms around Nat's waist, pressing my head to her shoulder.

"Do you want me to leave while you change?"

She turned in my arms and laid her head on my collar, taking a deep breath. After a few seconds, she shook her head and pulled away. She quickly changed. I led her into the attached bathroom. With a smirk, I tossed an extra toothbrush at her. We got ready for bed in silence, moving in sync as we once did, so very long ago. As we got situated on the bed, I pressed a kiss to her temple and took a breath.

"We have so much to talk about, Natalia, but we can do it in the morning. For now, let's just be here, together." My words echoed in the near silent room. She nodded, laying her head on my chest, a position we both enjoyed immensely. We both fell asleep quickly.

Morning came too quickly for either of us to enjoy. The intercom at my door buzzed loudly.


I jerked into a sitting position, sending Nat tumbling onto the side of the bed.

"Fuck. Sorry." I apologized, before crossing to the console on the wall. Pressing the button, I spoke softly. "This better be good. I was sleeping."

"The New York men want to know if you have seen Nat. She never turned up in their rooms last night." T'Challa asked.

"She's sleeping." I answered simply. "Can I go back to sleep now? Its only 8."

"Is she.... Y/N! She's in there with you!"

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. Before I could answer, she spoke up.

"Tell the boys to shut up. We are going back to bed."

I smiled at her, pressing my lips to her temple. "Good Morning Natalia."

"Good Morning Y/N." She smiled back. "Come back to bed."

I tensed up a little bit, turning in her arms. "We do need to talk, Nat."

She looked at me and nodded, leading me back to the bed. We made ourselves comfortable and each took a breath. "You first." She motioned for me to begin.

It took nearly four hours to actually discuss what happened on both sides. I learned that she had been taken by S.H.I.E.L.D. and was under strict supervision for just over a year. After the supervision was finished, she tried to find me. Her first stop was my old apartment only to find some family had taken over. There was nothing left behind, despite me leaving a lot of clues for her to follow. It seems those clues were destroyed in a small fire in the building a few months before she arrived. My heart broke at the lost time between us. She learned about my time not only alone, but my time in Wakanda.

"Y/N!" My intercom buzzed once more.

Rolling my eyes, I headed to the wall and responded. "Yes Shuri?"

"Lunch time. Let's go. You promised you would work on the translators with me."

"After lunch we can do that." I sighed, looking at Nat, letting go of the button. "I guess it's time for lunch, which seeing as we didn't eat breakfast, it's probably a good idea to join the rest of them."

She laughed softly. "Yeah, we should head down. God knows that Stark will be unbearable."

"How so?" I questioned, arching my eyebrow at her.

"He's going to assume we slept together."

"We did." I smirked. She blushed softly and shook her head. "We did in fact sleep together, it's not our fault his mind lives in the gutter."




I knew that we would be headed back to New York, back to the tower, within the next few days. Now that I had found Y/N I didn't want to leave her again. I would be needed back in New York, so I couldn't stay, but I wasn't sure if it would be right to ask her to go with me. As we made our way back to her room after dinner that night, I was uneasy.

Once the door to the room shut, she pulled me into a tight hug, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Do you want to talk about what's bothering you?" She asked, pressing a kiss to my pulse before pulling back to look me in the eye.

"I'm fine." I answered automatically.

"Try again. You forget that I know you well enough to know when something is bothering you." Without waiting for an answer, she quickly swept me into her arms, carrying me over to the bed. I wrapped my arms around her neck the moment my feet left the floor. "Do you need a massage to calm you and your mind down, or would you prefer to just lay together for a bit before you open up a bit?"

I smiled softly, knowing that she did in fact know me well. "Let's just lay for a bit."

It took an hour for me to finally calm down enough to breach the subject.

"Y/N, you know I live in New York." I started, taking a breath.

"Yeah." She answered, running her hand over my back.

"We, the guys and I, will go back in the next few days. We have to go back. The team needs us." I spoke softly. "I don't want to leave you, not when I just got you back."

"Are you... are you asking me to come with you?" Her voice was soft, uneasy.

I sat in silence for a moment, thinking about everything. Pulling away so I could look at her, I spoke once more. "Yes. Y/N, will you please come with me to New York?"

She stayed silent, frozen with an unreadable look on her face. I knew that this was her just working through her options. She had done this a lot when we were together originally. It took about ten minutes of silence before I could sit no longer.

"If you don't want to, that's fine. We can make this work. I am sure that Shuri and you can come up with some kind of communication, holograms or something..."

Before I could continue, she pressed her lips to mine, effectively silencing me. We separated when the need for air became overwhelming.

"Natalia, you worry too much." She whispered, pressing her forehead to mine. "My time here in Wakanda is over. I would love to move to New York to be with you."


A/N: So. We are headed back to New York... Up next is Infinity War - Meaning Thanos is right around the corner... Who's gonna survive, who's gonna get snapped... and most importantly... What's gonna happen on Vormir?

Stay Tuned! 

I'll Be Back For You [NatXReader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin