Chapter 5: Telling The Team

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Nat's POV: 

Did she just say WIFE? My mind was racing. When did we get married? I would have remembered that. There was no way we were married. Before I could dive further into those thoughts, the door opened once more and T'Challa walked in alone. 

"Natasha, are you ok?" 

"I want a yes or no answer." I looked between Y/N's sleeping form and the King. "I'm not just her medical proxy, am I." 

"No, you are not just her medical proxy." He answered simply. 

"What am I to her?" I needed someone not high on painkillers to say it out loud. 

"Natasha, I really think this is a conversation you should be having with her." 

"Am I her wife?" I asked, needing to hear it. 

He looked between Y/N and I for a moment before nodding. "I can't tell you the specifics, she would have to, but you are." 

I waited for him to make some sign that this was a joke, but it never came. How had we gotten married? When had we gotten married? 

"I'll leave you to your thoughts, if you need anything just let one of the staff know." He nodded his head, before leaving me alone. It was going to be a long wait for her to wake up. 


Y/N's POV: 

I came to the second time slowly, the pain nearly gone at this point. The warmth in my left hand had not disappeared, telling me that Nat was still by my side. I listened to the conversation happening around me. 

"Nat, I don't understand what's changed since last week." Bruce spoke up from near the foot of my bed. "You are really going to break up with me here of all places?" 

"Bruce we can't... not anymore." She said softly, not wanting to wake me. "Things are different now." 

"Different how? You were happily interested in me before we got here. Hell the sex was amazing." 

I felt Nat flinch slightly, before I gently opened my eyes. 

"You did what with my wife?" My voice was soft, but loud enough for the room to fall completely silent. 

"Wife?" Multiple voices spoke at once. 

"Really Y/N. Just blurt that out without speaking to me first?" Nat spoke up first, before the room exploded into heated conversation. 

"You're married?" Tony's voice cut through the chaos and seemed to calm everyone for a moment. 

"That's generally what it means when someone says 'wife'." I answered, not really wanting to explain things. 

"When the hell did you two get married?" 

"Five years, 11 Months and 3 weeks ago." I answered without hesitation, knowing the date off the top of my head. "Our anniversary is on the 13th, actually." 

"You've been married for nearly six full years and didn't say anything?" Tony turned to Nat. 

"To be far, I don't think she remembered..." I answered before anyone else could speak. "We were really drunk that night and found this little chapel. Yeah." 

Nat looked at me in question. "Do you want to finish that story?" 

"Do you remember about a week before you left, the night we both got really drunk and woke up in that random hotel room?" I asked, looking at her. She nodded. "I found the wedding license about a year after you left, when I was preparing to move here to Wakanda." 

"How did you remember what happened?" She asked. 

"After I moved here to Wakanda, I was training with a few warriors and took a heavy blow to my head. The memories came back to me shortly after." I smiled as the memories filled my head. "I'll tell you about it later, I promise." I hesitated for a moment, before turning to Bruce. "Going back to what I said when I woke up... You did what with my wife?" 

He stood in silence, looking between the two of us for a moment, before I saw fear cross his face. "I didn't...."

"Bruce, calm down. Nat didn't know... you didn't know... I'm not actually mad. But now that you both know... Touch her again, and not even the Green Man will be able to save you. Clear?" I glared at the man. 

He quickly nodded and stepped back, pressing himself into the wall. Nat swatted my shoulder, rolling her eyes. 

"What, I don't share, you already know that." I commented in Russian. "I assume you have other questions then?" 

"Who took who's name?" Tony spoke up, a slight quirk to his voice to show his amusement. 

"I took her name. Perhaps I should introduce myself fully? My name is Y/N Clarke Romanova." I smiled at my full name for the first time in years. I felt Nat squeeze my hand tightly, in surprise. "Anything else?" 

"Yeah, why are you only just now telling Nat about this marriage?" Steve spoke up, his voice sharp. 

"This is the first time in nearly six years that I've seen her." I admitted. "When I moved to Wakanda, I left a trail for her to follow to find me, but it seems either she never looked or the trail was destroyed." 

"There was no trail, no clues. I searched everywhere for you." Nat said, squeezing my hand tightly. 

I shifted, looking at her; studying her eyes, looking for any trace of a lie. I found none. "My question becomes, who destroyed the trail..." 

"We will figure that out, together." Nat smiled softly. 

"Does anyone speak Russian besides those two?" Tony complained. A chorus of No answered his question, until a voice from the doorway said yes. 

All eyes flipped to Shuri, who simply smirked. "Well, technically I don't speak it, but I do have a translator that lets me understand it." 

"Ohhh what are they saying?" Tony asked, his eyes alight. 

I glared at Shuri, my face clearly saying not to speak up. "I swear to all that is holy in this world, Shuri. Don't you dare.

"Testy... testy..." Shuri laughed softly. "Sorry, sworn to secrecy!" She stuck her tongue out at me and disappeared into the hallway, her footsteps echoing. 

The men realized I would not speak anymore about the marriage and left Nat and I alone. 

"So... married, huh." Nat said, looking at our joint hands. 

"Do you...." I couldn't form the words. 

"The only thing I regret is not remembering it." She whispered, finally meeting my eye. "You'll have to tell me all about it." 

I nodded, not trusting my voice. A few quiet minutes passed before I spoke up once more. 

"How long am I gonna be held captive here?" 

Before Nat could answer, the doctor walked in. 

"Shuri told us you were awake. We've got a few things to discuss. Would you like Ms. Romanoff to step outside?" 

"My wife can hear anything you have to say, Doc." 

The doc hesitated for a moment before nodding and continuing. He gave a rundown of my injuries and the treatment used. Due to the advanced tech here in Wakanda, I could leave as early as tomorrow. 

"You have to take it easy, and have someone with you." 

"I won't be leaving her side." Nat said, squeezing my hand. 

For the first time in nearly six years, I felt my heart soar. 


UPDATE - 8/10/21 - Minor Grammar and spelling issues. :) 

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