Chapter 13: The Final Battle With Thanos

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Everything went dark as the compound began to crumble around us. I lost sight of Nat and Lila. Yelena landed just a few feet from me in a rather large puddle.

"Lena... you good?" I asked, she held up a thumbs up, sitting up and shaking her head to clear it. "We have to find Nat."

Yelena and I managed to get above ground, regrouping with Bruce, Scott, Rhodey, and Rocket. Once we were topside, we spotted a large ship in the sky. Just across the ridgeline, I spotted Tony, Steve and Thor, they seemed to be focused on a figure between us. That's when I saw him. The Mad Titan himself. I had no idea how he got here, he was dead last time I checked. I watched the three men walk up to the titan and surround him. I could hear the titan speaking, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. Tony spoke up, responding to the titan, before the titan stood and put his helmet back on. He grabbed his sword and faced the three men. I managed to slip closer, with Yelena a few steps behind me.

"I will shred this universe down to its last atom. And then with the stones you've collected for me create a new one teeming with life that knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given. A grateful universe."

"Born out of blood." Steve challenged, looking rather beat up already.

"They'll never know it. Because you won't be alive to tell them."

Thor charged up, yelling as he attacked. I quickly withdrew from the area, knowing I needed to find Nat and Lila.


POV: Nat

I managed to grab Lila as we were falling, only to land hard on the lower level floor, the ceiling crumbling to the ground around us.

"You good?"

"Yeah, mom. I'm good." Lila answered, sitting up and looking around. "What happened?"

"I don't know, but it can't have been good..." I spotted something in the rubble. It was the gauntlet. "Grab that and don't let it go."

Lila nodded, grabbing the gauntlet and hugging it tightly to her chest. After a quick rundown of the area I spotted a shaft that went upwards, we would have to climb to get out. Making our way up the shaft, we were greeted at the top by Nebula, but something just didn't seem right.

"I know you." Lila said, her grip on the gauntlet weakening slightly. Nebula didn't say anything, merely taking the gauntlet out of Lila's hands.

"Get behind me." I said, grabbing at Lila's shoulder.

"Father... I have the stones." Nebula said, tapping her ear.

"Shit." I whispered, pushing Lila farther behind me, drawing my gun.

"Stop!" Another voice spoke up, coming from the darkness. It was a green skinned woman, her gun pointed at Nebula.

"You're betraying us?" Nebula asked, leveling her gun at me, but her eyes locked on the other woman. Another figure stepped out of the darkness, her hands raised. It was another Nebula.

"You don't have to do this." The unarmed Nebula spoke up.

"I am this." The first Nebula, evil Nebula, responded.

"No. You're not." the green skinned woman spoke up.

"You've seen what we become." Good Nebula said, tapping the side of her head.

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