Chapter 1

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The steets were flooded with Locos. Honestly I had no idea how I've survived this long and not been caught by the Locos. I was extremely low on food rations, I had half a can of tinned beans left. I had been living off this one can for three days now. I was starving, but I was going to survive. The sirens echoed off the high buildings of the city. I was in sector nine, and was determined to be out of sector ten before nightfall. It sounded like the Locos were getting closer, but it was hard to tell. I didn't know if I was being paranoid or if it was actually happening. I dodged behind cardboard boxes and large poles. I hurried down the street with every step I was closer. I turned the corner at the end of the block and that's when I saw them. The rollers turned first. They weren't as quick as the car, but they were faster then me. I had no choice but to run. I sprinted to a small ally way where the car at least couldn't fit through. I jumped up a gate and scrambled over the sharp wiring at the top and tumbled to the ground. I winced as I landed hard on my shoulder. I bit down on my lip hard, trying not scream out in pain. I jumped to my feet none the less and continued running. The rollers ran straight into the chained fence screaming and banging on it loudly. I ran through to the other end of the ally, coming out to see Zoot's police car zooming through. Though it was only Ebony in standing through the gap in the middle. Zoot was nowhere to be seen, I pressed myself against the pale brick wall hiding from cover. I just hoped the sirens would cover the angry screams for the Locoust's from behind the gates.

I was in luck. Ebony drove straight past without giving the ally way one look. I released a breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding. I took a glance both ways carefully before crossing over into the darkness. It was getting dark itself. The sun was setting and I wasn't happy with my progress. I wasn't going to make it out of sector ten. I would have to wait until morning tomorrow. Right now I needed to find shelter.

I wondered the streets for ages. It was well into the night. I was cold and tired. If I kept going like this I would never make it out of the city alive. I came across a back way to an old mall. It had a sewer drain hole. I shrugged my shoulders. I was to tired to care really. I just wanted to sleep. I removed the hole and dragged my exhausted body in climbing down the ladder. I made my way through wondering until I found a set of stairs. I climbed them one by one until I made it to the top. I heard voices whispering quietly. I knew someone was there talking but it was as if my body didn't process the alert. I wondered into the mall quickly and very much regretted it. Zoot was the first thing I saw, he was hat less but it was him, his dreadlocks were all to known. I gasped, but I almost passed out when I saw her.

"Trudy?!" I collapsed to my knees. No this couldn't be happening. They told me different, this wasn't real.

"Natalia!?" The guy next to her looked at us in shock, while Zoot was holding a baby.

"Trudy, you know her?" The guy with the brown hair asked.

"Yes, she's my sister, but I thought I would never see her again-"

"You have a sister?"

"What are you doing with Zoot?" I demand raising my voice.

"Natalia I can explain" Trudy helped me to my feet. "But you have to keep your voice down-"

"it's to late for that" I turned to see a chocolate man with black hair and a yellow stripe run through it. He was shirtless with a chain in his hand. "I knew you were a traitor Bray, from the moment they let you in!" his eyes were vicious when he turned his attention to Zoot and more people came running down a set of stairs.

"Lex? What's going on?" A women with bright red hair asked.

"Lover boy and sulky here are traitors, they bought the Loco's inside the mall!" Zoot forced the baby into Trudy's hands as Zoot took off. Bray was being held down by a bigger boy, obviously a follower of Lex. My knees were shaking so badly it hurt. I had never been so afraid of Zoot in my life. Lex was after Zoot and Bray managed to free himself from the other man. He darted up the stairs and Trudy followed. I couldn't move but from where I could see Lex was giving Bray quite a beating.

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