Chapter 5

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Third Person

The mall was quiet as they all sat around eating dinner. Bray was nowhere to. be seen

"Has anyone seen Natalia? I haven't seen her since she left Trudy's room" Bray asked.

"Yeah, I saw her, she said she was going outside needed some fresh air, but that was hours ago" Amber said. Looking at her bowl of food.

"Well I'm worried about her" Bray said.

"you would be" Trudy snapped.

"Trudy! She's you sister!" Amber snapped.

" I don't care" Trudy said. Everyone was shocked.

"You don't mean that!"Bray stood from his chair.

"Yes, I do!" Trudy marched out of the café and into her room.

"Heartless wrench!" Zandra called out after her.

"I'm going out to look for her" Bray got up rom his chair and started down the stairs.

"I'll come to" said Jack.

"No, hold on it's way to dark out there to be looking now" Amber said. 'We'll search for her first thing in the morning"

"What's going on?" Lex demanded as he walked up the stairs into the café.

"Natalia's gone missing" Zandra explained.

"Has she?" Lex put on a shocked face and cocked a smile. "I bet she isn't even missing, probably ran out on you all" Lex sighed plating himself up some food.

"Lex, why don't you go and join Trudy. She seems to be giving as much intrest and worry as you are!" Amber snapped. Lex sniggered and sat himself down away from the main group.

"So what do we do?" Salene asked.

"We set up search parties in the morning, and hopes she comes back before then" Amber said. "I think we should all get some sleep"


Natalia's POV

Every inch of my body hurt. I struggled to open my eyes, but I couldn't move anything. I whimpered, I took on my surroundings. Still in the same stupid ally they left me in. I forced myself into a sitting position. And rubbed my temples. It was dark, to dark to make my way back to the mall. I didn't even think I could make it that far. I grabbed onto the edge of a garbage bin and pulled myself to my feet. I gasped in effort and pain, but managed to stand firm. Police sirens suddenly came blaring, they were close really close. I began panicking and moved down the allyway as best I could. I peeked around the corner and saw Locos turning the corner sharply heading straight for me. I jumped back and slipped hitting my head on the back of the garbage can. I fell to the ground grabbing at the back of my head as darkness once again took over.

Third Person

Daylight came and everyone was up getting ready to search for Natalia.

"I think we should go now, that way we have all day to look" Salene pulled her jacket over her shoulders.

"I agree" Amber folded her arms across her chest.

"Alright then let's go" Lex walked down the stairs.

"Ah Dal?" Jack gave him an awkward smile.

"What Jack?" Dal sighed.

"Aren't you going to help me, with, you know"

"Jack, I've got more important things to worry about other then your stupid project" Dal walked off towards the rest of the group. Jack slumped his shoulders and walked back into his room.

"Has anyone seen Bray?" Amber asked.

"Not since last night" Salene answered.

"Alright, we should split into groups thay way we cover more ground-"

"Natalia!" Salene ran past Amber and towards a limping girl. She collapsed in Salene's arms. Dal, and Ryan ran towards them.

"She's covered in bruises" Salene stated. Laying her on the ground.

"We need to get her inside!" Dal ran back into the mall. Bray lifted her into the air and put on her on her bed inside the antique store.

"Amber!" Zandra called out. "We have a problem!" Zandra walked back into Trudy's room.

"Amber go, I have enough hands to help me here" Dal instructed. Amber smiled and left.
"Okay, I'll need cold water, alcohol if we have any and clean bandages"

Amber ran up the stairs to Zandra who was looking extremely worried.

"What is it Zan?" Amber asked.

"I went to look in on Trudy after you guys left, and she was lile this" Amber peeked into the room. She looked hot and clammy yet her covers were pulled to her chin. Amber walked over and put a hand to her forehead.

"She's burning up" Amber looked concerned. "Trudy, Trudy can you here me" Trudy's eyes fluttered open slightly. "Trudy-"

"No, no please" Trudy mumbled. Amber put her hand on her bed to pull herself up. She felt a wetness like sweat. She pulled back Trudy's sheet.

"She's soaked right through" Amber was wide eyed. "Zandra go get Dal now!"

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