Chapter 10

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Four weeks passed weeks passed, Cloe ran away, almost getting captured by the locos, but a woman named Tai-San brought her back. Paul's missing, Bray came back, Lex claiming that Ebony followed him. Zandra and Lex almost got married, and Trudy is slumping around the place ever since she caught Bray and Salene kissing, she named the baby, but that's  really the only good thing she's done since then.

"Hey Trudy." I walked in with a plate of tinned spaghetti, Brady lay in her cot, crying her head off, Trudy was slumped on her bed, gazing off into the distance. I placed the plate next to Trudy and walked over to Brady. "When was the last time you fed her?"

Trudy gave a light shrug, not adverting her eyes anywhere else. This had been going on for weeks, and I was getting sick of the attention seeking. "Trudy!" I scolded, walking over to the tins of formula. I opened one, but there was nothing inside. I looked into the next one but that was also empty. "When did you run out of formula?" I glanced at her.

Trudy gave me another shrug and I had to calm myself down so I wouldn't snap at her. I walked back over to the cot and picked up little Brady, cradling her in my arms. "You need to snap the hell out of it Trudy!" I said, "this baby isn't a doll you can just play with for two seconds and then throw aside because you get bored, this is your child, grow up!"

The words I spat at her looked like they didn't make a difference, she didn't seem to care at all. With a huff of anger I walked out, I loved her but she was getting dangerously close to making me rip out my own hair.

I walked into the cafeteria in search of Bray and some food for the baby. Luck would have it, that I found neither of them. "Would you shut that thing up!?" Lex demanded.

I rolled my eyes at him, he was no longer leader, he couldn't tell me what to do anymore. "I can quiet her down if you happen to have some formula on you."

"Do I look like I would have some?" Lex hissed. He rose from his seat at the table and walked away.

"Thanks for all your help Lex." I hissed as he continued to walk away.

I set Brady on the cafe bench opening up the cupboard to see what was inside. I was quietly hoping that formula was inside, but when I opened it, there was nothing but tinned cans of food, and Brady wasn't old enough to start weening on solids. Brady had calmed  down a little, now she was just rolling around on the bench. "Hey Nat." I closed the cupboard doors and leant against them.

"Hey Amber." I sighed.

"What's she doing on the bench?" Amber asked, walking over to the baby and picking her up off the table.

"Sorry." I muttered, "I'm trying to find her something to eat."

"Doesn't Trudy have the formula?" Amber asked as she rocked the baby in her arms.

"She's run out. Poor things starving." I told her, "do you know where Bray is, I wanna see if he can dart out and find something for her."

"I don't know, haven't seen him since this morning." Amber answered.
Brady gurgled in Ambers arms, and bury out in tears again. "I'll take her to Salene."

I nodded and folded my arms across my chest. If Bray wasn't here to do it, I guess I could, but I wasn't going out there alone, i couldn't afford another Loco mishap.

I walked out of the cafe in search of someone to go outside the mall with me, but as I asked around, people were either to lazy, to busy, or didn't want to be seen with me.

I thought about taking a step out there on my own, I mean, Brady really needed this, but I couldn't bring myself todo it. I stood in front of the sewer entrance, arms folded across my chest and my mind debating. I waited to see if Bray would come through, and then I would send him out again.

"Natalia?" I looked over my shoulder to see who was calling me, and it was Tai-San, she wore her usual spiritual outfit and walked over to me with confidence. "What are you doing?"

"Waiting." I answered, tub ring my gaze back to the entrance.

"Waiting for?" Tai-San pushed.

"Bray." I sighed, it felt like if I stared long enough he would just emerge through the double doors. "I need to ask him something."

"Anything I can help you with?"

"Are you willing to go out of the mall?" I asked her.

Tai-San shrugged, "sure, I guess."

I turned so my full attention was to her. "Really?"

"Yeah." Tai-San nodded, "are we going to look for Paul?"

I slumped my shoulders, that thought hadn't even crossed my mind. Paul had been missing for a while now, and I new how much he meant to Patsy. "Ah, yeah." I nodded, "but I also need to find some formula for Brady."

"And that's what you wanted Bray for?" Tai-San asked, putting two and two together.

"Precisely." I smiled.

"Well, I can help you look if you want," Tai-San said, already making her way to the sewer.

"That would be great, thank you."

Sorry for the lame chapter, but I'm even more sorry that I haven't updated in ages. I haven't been very motivated to write this, but I'm trying to get back into it.

Hope you guys stick around 😊

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