Chapter 12

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"We gotta get her on her feet." Dal said. "Get her moving."

"Good idea." Bray agreed, already lifting Trudy into the air. "Help me."

Dal slung one of Trudy's arms around his shoulder as both him and Bray carried her weight back and forth from her bed. Amber, Salene and I watched in worry and hope that Trudy might live through this.

"Walk, Trudy." I pleaded. "Walk!"

This whole thing was keeping me on edge. My own sister, trying to take her life. I wanted her to open up to me, speak to me, but all I got from her was a cold shoulder.

I looked at Bray and then back at Trudy, was all this for real? Or was this just another way to get Bray's attention. Finally after what seemed like forever, Trudy took her first step. Joy and relief washed over me like a wave.

"Yes Trudy! That's it!" Bray cheered, as one foot collapsed onto the floor, then the next. I smiled, but I could see that Dal was struggling.

"I can't do this." Dal whimpered.

"Alright,  put her on the bed." Bray instructed.

Dal and Bray fell onto the bed with Trudy. I walked over to her and felt her pulse. "It's stronger." I said.

Amber walked back into the room, a glass of cloudy liquid in her hand. "What's that?" I asked.

"Salt water." Amber answered.

"Why?" Salene asked.

"To make Trudy throw up." Amber answered.

"Good idea." Bray agreed.

Amber knelt down in front of the barely conscious girl, and put the glass of water to her lips. "No." Trudy mumbled, "I don't wanna."

"Come on, Trude." I whispered to her. "You've got to drink."

Amber poured the glass contents down her throat and grabbed a bucket next to her. Trudy hurled up everything that was in her stomach, into the pink bowl.

I had to get out of the room, if I heard her throw up anymore, it would be my stomach contents on the floor.

I walked into the cafe, feeling sick at the sight of food. I took a seat and put my forehead against the table. I didn't get the cool feeling I was hoping for, but I don't move. "Natalia?" I didn't have to raise my head to know it was Bray. I heard the sound of the opposite chair scrape the floor as he pulled it out to sit in.

I lifted my head, and rested it on the palm of my hand instead. "How's she doing?" I asked him.

"Dal thinks she'll be okay." Bray answered. "How are you feeling?"

I shrugged, I wanted to tell him that I felt angry, upset, frustrated but instead I said, "I'm fine." I could feel Bray, judging me curiously. I wanted him to stop. "Why do it?" I asked him.

"Why do what?"

"Play both Salene and Trudy?"

Bray rolled his eyes slightly as if he was sick of the question. "I didn't mean to play anybody." Bray said.

"But Trudy..." I gestured to the room, "she needs you right now."

"I know that." He said quietly, "but isn't it better to feel love, I know I have a duty to Trudy, but I want to feel something."

I wanted to scold him, make him understand that Trudy was sick, and that she needed him, but i understood where Bray was coming from. I would like someone to love, and Bray didn't need Trudy making a relationship that he didn't want. "I get it." I said.

Bray looked up at me in surprise. "You do?"

"Yeah." I nodded, "but at the end of the day you have to choose, Salene or Trudy. They're going to get hurt either way."

"But Trudy..."

So, he was leaning towards Salene. Not that I was surprised. Salene wasn't controlling and crazy, and didn't have a baby to worry about. "If you choose Salene, we'll help Trudy out, she'll be completely guttered, but it's better to be up front."

"You're right." Bray said with a deep sigh, "I'm going out, I'll see you later."

I watched Bray walk off and couldn't help but think how this was not going to end well, but I stuck with my advice. He couldn't pull them along forever.

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