Chapter 3

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I walked over to Trudy's room and I heard the screams of her baby.

"Trudy?" I walked in and see her curled up in bed with the screaming baby beside her.

"What do you want?" She asked viciously.

"I just wanted to spend some quality time with my sister." I picked up the baby and instantly smelt the horrific smell of excrement. I placed her on the counter and changed her nappy.

"Well I don't have the time, so could you please leave" She sighed.

"Trudy, I haven't seen you in over 10 months, why are you pushing me away?" I placed her back safely in her cot and smiled down on her. "And another thing, why aren't you looking after her, you were playing happily with her the other night-"

"Get out Natalia" she whispered.

"Trudy I'm not just going to leave you-"

"I said get out! Out!" I scrambled away from her bed. I and never seen her so harsh in my life. I walked away angrily. I sat down in a chair as Amber looks my way.

"Oh good your here" I didn't turn my gaze awag from the table. "So I've set up a new roster, a cleaning roster and we start this afternoon"

"What now?" Chloe complained.

"Yes now, if we don't keep this place clean this whole mall will end up as the kitchen" Amber fought. 

"Now look at the roster and it'll tell you what you have to do today, it shouldn't take any longer then a few hours, giving or taking a few chores-"

"Like what chores? " Zandra asked.

"Like it'll take longer time if you have to make dinner, or shorter time of you only have to do sweeping and washing windows, but I promise it's all spread out equally" Amber explained. "Now if you just have a look at your roster then you'll know what chores need doing before I finsih making the dinner" I took one look at the roster. I was on emptying the garbage and cleaning the bedrooms on the top floor.

"Great" I decided to clean the top floor first since Amber would need the bin to empty her scraps of tin cans. I avoided Trudy's room as much as possible but when she was the only room left I had to do I just had to get in there and do it.

"Bray?" She lifted her head from the pillow. The baby was not in her cot so I assumed Salene must of had her.
"Oh, it's you" Trudy sunk back down in her bed.

"Why do you hate me? I'm you sister and I haven't done anything to you-"

"Oh I see the way you look at Bray, and your flirtatious way of talking to him"

"Trudy! Why are you being like this-"

"Because your trying to take him away from me! You tramp!" My mouth dropped. How could she be so cruel. I had done nothing to deserve this. When I got back I saw everyone surrounding the tables but no food. I pushed Trudy to the furthest point in my head and blocked her out.

"Where's the food, I'm starved" I take a seat next to Lex, not my first choice but it was better then sitting alone.

"Ask Amber she's on food duty" Lex said.

"Well where was Ryan when he was sweeping, or Jack with the windows or Zandra when she was meant to be washing up shall I go on?"

"You mean-" Jack asked.

"If you don't do your chores why should I do mine. No chores no food" Amber said simply.

"But Amber I've been working hard all day, and I've not had a good one, and I'm hungry-" I was interrupted. 

"I'm sorry you worked so hard with no reward, but I'm afraid just way to many of you didn't do what you needed to do" I had enough I'd had a hard enough day as it was, not I get no food.

"Fine, I'm going to bed" before I trampled off to my newly found living space i went off to thank Salene for looking after the baby, but as I past Trudy's room I couldn't help but over hear the conversation.

"I just wanted to say sorry for making you bring him here" Trudy apologised.

"Well it's done now" Bray said. I heard the shuffles of Bray's feet edging closer to the exit.

"Where are you going? " Trudy asked.

"To bed, Trudy I'm tired" Bray sighed.

"But Bray, what if the Loco's ever find out whats happened to him?"

"I wouldn't give much for our chances, they've chosen Ebony as their new leader" Bray sounded bored.

"What!" Trudy asked horrified.

"Just pray she never finds out about the baby!" It was silent for a few more moments when Trudy broke the silence. I didn't know why I was so interested in this conversation. 

"Natalia came and visited me twice today, telling me what to do" Trudy snapped.

"Trudy, she's your sister and she's worried about you." Bray said.

"Well I think she has an eye for you" I could alm imagine the evil smirk playing on Trudy's mouth. 

"You think?" Bray sounded smug.

"Bray!" I turned before I could here anymore. Forget saying thanks to Salene I would do it another time. If they found me Trudy would never be off my case. I ran down the stairs and hurled into bed. I closed my eyes and willed sleep to come, it didn't happen for a while but eventually it did.

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