Chapter 11

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The two of them entered the mall, amazingly Tai-San had found them two tins of formula but unfortunately, nothing on Paul. Going outside again, really helped me lift a weight that was hanging over my shoulders. But I still wouldn't go out there on my own.
I thanked Tai-San for going out with me, and made my way to Trudy's room.

"Trudy?" I stepped into her dark room, even just being inside this room it felt lonely, and sad. Brady had returned to her cot in front Trudy's bed. Trudy however, had not moved since when I saw her last.

I placed the two tins of formula on the shelf at the other side of the room. "How are you?" I asked Trudy, but she simply turned her head.

I sighed and looked to Brady lying in the cot. "You hungry?" I asked her, lifting her into the air. "I bet you're starving, let's get you something to eat."

I shoveled a few spoonfuls of formula into the bottle and walked to the cafe to get some water. I shook the bottle and gave it to Brady. She swallowed it hungrily and I chuckled. "You found some formula then?" Amber entered the room, a coffee mug in her hand.

I looked up at her and smiled. "Yeah. It took a while, but Tai-San has some great skills."

"I bet." Amber sighed.

"Did Bray ever come back?" I asked her.

Amber nodded, "stayed for a few hours than took off again."

"Why does he do that?" I sighed, "there's so much going on here with Brady and Trudy..."

"And Salene." Amber added.

I snapped my head at her, raising my eyebrows. "Salene?"

Amber looked at me, debating with herself whether she should tell me or not. With a heavy sigh, she leant against the table bench. "Bray likes Salene, Salene likes Bray, Trudy likes Bray, but Bray feels like he has a commitment to her because it's his brothers child."

"Is that why Trudy's so down in the dumps all the time? Jealousy?" I raised an eyebrow, casting a look at Brady in my arms.

Amber nodded, "I thought you would know more, since you're her sister and all."

I cast Amber a angry look. "Just because she's my sister doesn't mean we're close. If anything we couldn't be further apart."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean —"

"Forget it." I put Brady's bottle on the bench and walked back to Trudy's room. I know Amber meant well, but I still think about the days in which Trudy and I were close, back before the virus killed our parents.

I walked into Trudy's room and put Brady back down in her cot. "She's fed." I told Trudy, but she didn't even mumble or groan, just kept staring into space. "Thanks Natalia you're the best sister ever." I mumbled to myself, "no problem Trudy I would do anything for my family."

With an angry sigh I stormed off to my room, it completely amazed me how she was so selfish.


I woke up the next morning with the baby screaming her head off. I honestly didn't understand how Trudy could just ignore this. I pushed the covers off my body and walked out the antique store. I stumbled across the first floor and to Trudy's room. I approached the opening when Salene came out.

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