Pardon my French

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"Put it on the phone," I hear my father sneer through the cell phone pressed against my brother's ear. My brother and I had skipped the host club and we decided to go get ice-cream; we had just sat down outside on a small table when the devil- I'm sorry! I mean my father decided to call.
My brother's knuckles go white around the phone but he bites his tongue knowing that speaking up will only put me through more pain.

"H-hello?" I ask hesitantly as I grab the phone from Akio.

"Why... isn't it the little bitch?" my father taunts at me through the phone; I stay silent.

"The package the teacher gave you, I need you to ship it our address in America. Unfortunately my business trip is taking a little longer than expected, so we won't be back until the end of the school year. Don't worry though, I'll make sure that we'll make up the fun you'll miss." A terrified noise stops short in my throat and fear runs down my spine.

"Now that you understand that," he smirks through the phone sensing my fear," by the time I get back I expect you to have the people on the list I have given you a few weeks ago eating out of the palm of your hand. If not, I might just have yo give our old friend Hiro a call..."

My body freezes, and Akio looks at me in alarm across the small table knowing that something is wrong.

"So long..." I hear and the line goes dead.

Feeling numb I shut the phone and slide it over to Akio.

"What did he say to you?" He asks me, red hair in eyes with a dark look over his face. For a moment I decide if I should tell him about Hiro, but then I remember. Hiro was his best and only friend; he was around all the time and Akio would blame himself for not noticing sooner what Hiro was doing to me.

"Nothing unusual," I tell him across the table trying to give him my best smile. I throw away my melting vanilla cone in the trash can near me, suddenly no longer hungry, and bend into my book bag looking for that crumpled up paper I put in there so many weeks ago.

My hand skims over books and pencils until finally my hand wraps around a crumpled paper- Bingo.

Taking the paper out of the bag I smooth it out onto the table in front of me, tuning out Akio who was currently trying to tell me all the ways he'd like to murder father for what he's doing to me.

Even though the papers worn and wrinkled I can still read the names as clear as day; I guess no matter what I can't help but be the perfect plastic daughter even if I don't try to be.


"Hey guys," I call out causally as I walk into the host club the next day after school.

"AYA-CHAN!!!" Honey yells as he lunges himself at me," I was worried when you didn't show up yesterday!"

"Yeah sorry about that" I say with a sheepish smile,"I went to go get ice-cream with Akio."

"You ditched me for ice-cream!" Tamaki cries dramatically as he falls at my feet.

Where did he come from?

"Ummm...yes?" I ask uncertainly.

"You broke my soul," he whispers as he crawls into his mushroom corner.

Why am I surprised? It's Tamaki.

"ALL OF YOU ARE FAKE!"  I hear a screechy voice scream in the background.

"Who's that?" I ask as I see a snobby girl with blond hair and a red bow in her hair.

"All except you my Kyoya," she purrs as she leaches herself onto Kyoya's arm.

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