Life As A Host

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"What glass would you like your tea in gentlemen?" I ask my two guest sitting with me in the beautiful gardens of the school.

"Oh any glass that your beautiful delicate hands touch would do miss Ayame." Shiro, one of the love struck boys, coos.

'Ugh, I think I just felt myself throw up a little' I think in my head.

But outside my holy temple I tilt my head to the side and allow a small blush to dust my cheeks.

"Thank you Shiro-kun."

"Me too Miss Ayame! Any glass that you touch too would do for me!" Kinji, the other love struck fool basically yelled in my face. 

'You really need a mint.'

"Oh, thank you as well Kinji-kun."  I say as cute and innocently as I can, staring at them with my big doe eyes.

"Oh your so cute!" They cry out together as they stare at me with pervy love struck eyes probably imagining some sick dreams.

It has officially been a week since I became the first hostette and if you couldn't tell by the conversation with these weirdos I was deemed the innocent type. At first I was getting tons of customers but then...

"Oh, I can't take it!" Kinji yells as he stands up with an obvious boner,"I need to make you mine Miss Ayame! Oh the fun we'll have!" 

He lurches across the table, ignoring Shiro who tries to pull him back, in an attempt to pull me to him and satisfy his needs.

All I see are his hands barreling towards me, hands of a man that wants to do terrible things to me, and I am reminded of my father.

"No!" I yell out as I close my eyes and raise my arms over my head preparing for whatever punishing act he would try to commit.

Seconds tick by and no harm has come, I lower my arms and open my eyes to see a Shiro sleeping on the ground and Mori holding an unconscious Kinji by the neck looking as if any moment he might snap it.

...but then this always happens.

"Are you alright Ayame?" Mori asks me in his deep chocolaty voice that sends shivers down my spine.

"U-uh, yeah," I whisper trying to compose myself," I'm fine Mori, thank you for helping me once again."

"Do you want me to get rid of them?" He asks allowing anger to seep through his voice.

"Only the one your holding, Shiro tried to hold him back." 

Mori grunts in return his face as still as rock, causing me to smile up at him.

"It's okay Mori, you got him, he didn't hurt me."

I see Mori's face soften a little and he gives me a nod of his head as he picks up Shiro as well, and walks towards the school with the two boys in hand, most likely to dump them in the nurses office.

Ever since Mori found out about my dad he's been over protective of me, watching me and making sure I'm always okay, never leaving my side- my own personal knight in shining armor.


I sigh and start to pick up the mess that Kinji made staring with the broken cups, I don't want Kyoya to add that to the quota I owe them.

When the mess was gone and dealt with, I walked past the other host who were putting on their act for their guest. I felt like rolling my eyes when I past each group but I actually laughed when I walked past Hikaru and Kaoru. 

"You have to be more careful," Hikaru scolds Kaoru as he holds kaoru's finger that he burned from the tea to his lips,"From now on, keep your eyes on me, okay?"

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