Little Blue Pill

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Ayama's Foyer, because sometimes even I forget that she's rich

<3 _へ__(‾◡◝ )>


"Mommy," Rosie cries as she latches her small arms around my legs," pwease take me wiwf you!"

"I can't baby," I kneel down and give her a big hug," I have to go to school with your uncle Akito."

"Mommy no! Don't go!"

"Hey pumpkin what's wrong?" Akito asks Rosie as he picks her up and places her on his hip.

"Mommy said that I can't gwo wiwf you guys to swhool," Rosie tattles on me to my brother.

Even though Akito only found out about Rosie a month ago, he has treats her with so much love it warms my heart. Sometimes though, I see his eyes brimming with overwhelming sadness at the thought of what happened to me, and how he could not protect me from what he thought was a stranger rape. If I told Akito what I told my friends, he would have quickly pieced together that the villain was Hiro- his best and only friend, and I know that if he found out that hiro, the one person he trusted more than anything, then it would kill him, destroy him, mutilate him. At times the knowledge and the guilt eats me up, but I'll hold onto the truth as long as I can, if to protect my brother's heart from breaking.

"What!" Akito feigns shock to get a giggle out of Rosie," That's terrible! Don't worry, Uncle Akito will take you."

"Yayyyyy!!!" Rosie screams as she jumps down from him and runs to her room to grab her princess pouch that Mary bought her.

"You know you spoil her too much," I laugh as Akito puts his arms around my shoulders.

"It's my job to spoil my favorite girls," he smiles and kisses the top of my head.

"Hey!" we hear Mary yell from the kitchen.

"You're my favorite too Mary," Akito yells from foyer while laughing.

"Better be," she shouts back, humor and love laced in her voice.

"Iw'm rweady for swhool," Rosie shouts happily as she runs down the stairs in front of us and grabs my hand.

"Okay we're leaving!" I shout to Mary.

"Have a good day at school!"

"We will," Akito yells back before he shuts the door and we jump into the limo that was parked in the driveway waiting for us.

Little did I know, we would never make it to school... because we died.

The end

JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEEP READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As soon as we shut the door to limo, the car speeds off, throwing me against multiple pairs of arms and legs.

Wait- what?

I glance up to see that the host club has invaded my limo.

"I knew you'd fall for my eventually Ayame" Tamaki smirks as he helps me up off his lap.

"What the fu-" I quickly cut myself off when I see Rosie playing with Mitsukuni towards the back of the limo," f-f-fufoo are you guys doing in my car?!"
'Fufoo? Really Ayame?' My brain scolds me.
'Sorry brain!'

"We're going on an epic journey!" Mitsukuni yells as he jumps up and down in his seat. I catch his eye and he shoots me a sad but reassuring smile that he's okay.
Damn, I feel like such a shitty human being.
This of course does not go unnoticed by our very own devil king who glares and jots something down into his notebook of death and despair- I bet he's writing down how many souls he's taken today or the number of children he plans to sacrifice.

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