Starting toda- Ehh you get it! (3)

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"Now that you scholarship students are out of your stupor let us continue with our host club duties. Ope-" 

"Hold it," Haruhi interrupts,"you expect us to work for you just like that? We don't even know your names"
"Oh I am appalled," the idi- Tamaki, damn I'm going to have to get used to that, cries dramatically as he clutches his heart,"gentlemen how could we forget to tell the new additions to the family our names!"
"Family?" I ask confused.
Ignored, Tamaki continues,"why I am Tamaki the king of this club."
"I am Kyoya Vice President." Glasses says coldly.
"Mommy," Tamaki pouts.
'Mommy?' I wonder.
"Ugh" Kyoya sighs," and I'm the 'cool' type."

"More like cold hearted," I mumble under my breath to Haruhi who laughs in return.

"I'm Hikaru Hitachiin," the deeper voiced twin smirks,"pleased to meet you."

"I'm Kaoru Hitachiin,"the softer voiced twin winks," and we're the mischievous type!"

"I"m Mitsukuni Hanninozuka but call me  Honey and I'm the boy Lolita type!" He greets happily while skipping over to a tall good looking guy as he clutches a pink bunny to his chest,"This is Takashi Morinozuka, he's the silent type!"

"Call me Mori," Takashi responds in a deep voice that sends a shiver of pleasure down my spine.

"P-pleased to meet you," I mumble as a blush spreads across my face.

"Now that our family has been introduced," Tamaki says,"Let us open the doors to greet our wonderful princesses. But first, put this on Miss Ayame."

"Just call me Ayame," I say as I grab the bag that he was holding out in front of me," What's in the ba- oh... that was quick."


"Tamaki, what's your favorite song?" A girl ask the princely boy starry eyed.

"What song?" He asks,"the one that reminds me of you, of course."

"I baked you a cake, today." another love struck girl cries, "Would you like to taste it?"

"Only if you'll feed it to me, darling." He whispers as he caresses her face.

"Oh how you're so dreamy." She says as she faints causing all the girls to squeal.
'What the hell is wrong with these girls?' I think as I see the swirling see of fan girls.

"Hey Ayame, you okay," Haruhi asks as she walks up to me with a shopping bag in her hand.

"Um well, I'm currently wearing a white skimpy maid outfit cause we broke a vase," I mumble as I rub the material of my skirt between my fingers," But other than that I'm fine, you?"

"Well other than running errands like a dog, I'm good," Haruhi sarcastically replies, she looks at me and we begin to laugh.

"Anyway, what do you think of the place so far?" Haruhi asks me.

"Well, they are a rowdy bunch, but it seems like they're good people."

"Yeah I agree," she smiles over at me before directing her attention towards the indentical looking boys,"can you tell yet which twin is Hikaru and Karou?"

"Well isn't obvious? Hikaru is more mischievous and rowdy while Karou is tamer and more mature." 

"Seems like we're the only people with a brain in this room, besides the ice king over there," Haruhi says with a nod of her head towards Kyoya," that guy makes it seem that he can read minds."

"Maybe he can," I tease her while laughing. 

"May I have a word with you, Tamaki? I've recently heard the host club's keeping two little kittens without a pedigree." I stop laughing and ball my hands up in fists, it's that red head girl from this morning, the one that was mean and rude and couldn't give decent directions if it hit her between the eyes and crawled up her ass. 

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