Authors Note *Important!

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I am so sorry that I have not updated sooner like I had promised. A couple 'inciddents' happened!

1. My laptop broke

Not only does my laptop allow me to write this story fast, but it also has all of my Ayame ideas saved into a word document so when it broke I kind of  had to try to remember everything I wrote down for new chapter ideas.

Not only that, but back to the fast part, I now had to type the remaining chapters on my phone.

2. Deleted the Chapters I was going to post

Since I NEVER write from my phone I'm still kind of new at it, and accidentally DELETED the chapters I was going to post!! So I've been trying to rewrite the chapters ALL on my phone, and like I mentioned in #1, it takes a while.

3. I got my phone taken away.

Yes it is true, the one source I had to write my stories was taken away for FOUR DAYS because midterm grades came in and I was getting a C in Spanish.

I'm sorry mom that all of us can't be fluent like you!

So that's the story of why the couple days I said earlier that would take me to post 5 chapters  has have taken, well... more than a couple days.

But now I am at my grandparents house where they have an ACTUAL LAPTOP that I can use, so the remaining two chapters that I promised will be posted throughout today or latest tomorrow morning. 

Again sooo sorry! And to make it up to you readers I might write a surprise chapter, NO PROMISES, but definitely a HIGH POSSIBILITY. *Wink**Wink*

Happy Friday!!!


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