First Day at Ouran

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Ayame's twin brother up top 


The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy.

~Jim Rohn


"Miss Ayame, it's time to get up." Marie, a servant, whispers to me as she gently shakes my sleeping shoulders, "it's your first day of school, and your Father is expecting you downstairs in his study in 15 minutes."

Sighing, I blink against the light coming from the window which Marie must have opened. I sit up on my bed and run a hand through my auburn hair, preparing myself for another day of playing the part as the perfect daughter from the Goto family.

"Marie, please lay out my school uniform, confirm the meeting with the school's headmaster, cancel my piano practice after school, and inform my father that I will be down there in ten minutes."

"Right away Miss Ayame," my maid happily  replies as she scurries out of my room, only to return with a dress bag that she carefully places on my vanity chair. Thanking her, I slide out of bed and walk over to the unzip the bag and finally see my school uniform; which I instantly regret. 

'What the actual fuck!?' I think as I slip on a ghastly yellow looking marshmallow dress. 

"Great," I mumble as I look into the mirror, " I look like a giant yellow condom." Sighing, knowing that I can't complain, I quickly put my hair into a low ponytail. 

''Miss Ayame," Marie smiles as she walks back into the room, " It's about time to see your father."

I dismiss her with a smile and turn to go, but I  take one last glance at myself in the mirror and see myself for what I am; a weak, little girl hoping that one day the curtain would close so her performance could end.

'I lost my true self, but I want to be found', I think as I leave through my french doors and brace myself to see my father. 


Standing in front of my Father's study I knock softly on the door.

"Father," I tell him through the door, "you wanted to see me."

"Yes, come in."

Pushing the door open I step into my fathers office and walk over to his desk where he was currently shifting through papers. I stand awkwardly by the chair with my head down, knowing not to sit in it, that sitting in that chair was something I wasn't worthy of.

"I want you to befriend some important, potential clients children, it may help the business," my father says as he sets aside the papers he was just sorting earlier, "I would ask your brother but he's too good for them, it would be suspicious. You on the other hand..." He drawls out, I can feel his eyes on me. Still, I don't look up, afraid that if I stare back at him he will choose to see this as a challenge and an act of defining him. Usually I'm right in sensing what I must do when it comes to my father, who is as reliable as a rattlesnake, but today he must be in an extra angry temper, because today... I am wrong.

In a flash he is across his desk, the once organized papers scattered to the ground, he raises his hand and in an instant my body rockets towards the ground from the force of his slap. I feel warm liquid flow from my cheek. Blood.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU, YOU MINDLESS BITCH!" My Father roars at me as I lay still on the ground, letting him release all of his anger. "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE ALIVE! IT WAS A MISTAKE! IT SHOULD HAVE ONLY BEEN YOUR BROTHER!"

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