Save Bambi (Akio POV)

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"Bambi, wake up!" I cry as I hold an unconscious and frail Ayame against my trembling body,"Please be okay Bambi!"

I feel panic arise into my body as a pair of red-headed twin try to pull me away from my little Bambi.

"S-stop," I yell out as I struggle against them,"Let me go! I need to be with my sister! Let me see my twin sister!" A look of surprise crosses all of the strangers faces in the room and the grip holding me back releases causing me to rocket forward and sweep my sister into my arms.

"Somebody please help my sister,help my little Bambi" I moan hunching over my sister's body.

'I should have protected you better,' I think in anguish,'I knew I shouldn't have taken that job interview today, I knew it. I'm always too late to protect her. My love, forgive me Bambi.'

"Sister?" I hear the strangers in the room echo together; but I ignore them, my thoughts consumed with my little Bambi.

"Every one," a tall cold looking guy in glasses says,"I think it will be best if you left the room while me and Mr. Goto can have"

Cries of protest arise from the strange bunch surrounding me and my sister but one look from the cold hearted guy instantly shut them up and send them scampering out the room's door... well most of them.

I look up from my sister's beautiful, haunting face and glance around the room at the three remaining stranger's in the room.

A cross-dresser. A giant. A cold hearted man.

"Who are you?" I call out to the strangers,"Help my Bambi God dammit!"

"Mori," the cold hearted bastards states as he pushes up up his glaring glasses. In a flash the giant who I now know is Mori is up pinning my arms behind my back and pulls my struggling body away from my sister.

"Let me go you sick bastards," I sneer between my teeth,"I need to help my sister, I need to help my sister!"

"Oh I already took care of that," glasses smirks," while you were to busy throwing a fit I called my family's top private doctors."

I throw him a dirty look and lessen my struggle against the giant, knowing that help was coming for Bambi.

"In fact," he continues,"they should be here right... now." All of a sudden a group of 20 doctors in white lab coats come barging in the room bearing a white stretcher; and like we weren't even there the men and women worked around us, gently lifting my sister on the stretcher and rushing her out of the room. In fact, the only indication that was giving to us was a hurried nod in glasses direction.

Once the room's door slammed, taking the doctors and my sister with it, I stop struggling and breath a sigh of relief;but that relief is short lived.

"Let go of him Mori," the girl cross-dresser states as she finally acknowledges my presence. Obediently the giant known as Mori lets me go.

"And Kyoya, for god's sake leave the guy alone," she says to glasses whose name I now know. When she sees my relieved look she instantly turns on me.

"Oh your not getting away that easily," the girl says,"you have some major explaining to do." I sigh and walk over to some couches near by.

"You might want to sit down for this," I tell the group as I sink into a blue couch and watch everyone follow my lead. After everybody sits down on a couch with a curious look on their face I sigh.

"Listen..." I begin looking at the girl sitting on a green couch across from me.

"Haruhi," she says uninterested.

"Listen Haruhi," I begin to say,"even if I told you the whole story I wouldn't know where to begin!"

"Well that's the easy part Mr.Goto," Kyoya states as he pushes up his glasses causing a glare to form on his lenses," you start at the beginning."

Sighing I lean back into the couch and close my eyes, and I start to tell Kyoya,Haruhi, and Mori everything; starting from the very beginning.


OMG! I am sooooo sorry I have not updated in FOREVER!! School had been the worst! I'm in ALL honors classes so I basically have a test and two papers due every week! Seeing as I have not posted for 5 WEEKS! I will post 5 CHAPTERS to make up for it! So these next few days be expecting a few chapters! Again soooo sorry!!

(pic is of Akio)

~ Sam

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