Starting Today You Are a Host...kind of

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'Why the hell is this school so big?! Why are these hallways so confusing?!! Why?! WHY?!!!" I think as I wander down the endless hallways looking at the useless map that Mary must have stuffed in my bag before I left. I've been past the classrooms, the library, the nurses station, but no matter who I ask or which way I look on the map I can't seem to find the headmasters office! If only Akio was here he would have charmed one of these bimbo students to show me he the way instead of giving petty directions.

***5 minutes ago***

"Um excuse me," I ask politely to a snobby looking red head who was laughing outside of a classroom with her brunette friend, immediately they stop laughing and give me glares.

"What?" she asks with an attitude. Yep, snobby.

"Could you please direct me to the headmaster's office, I have a meeting with him." She rolls her eyes to her friend and turns to look at me again. 

"Of course I can help you," she says with sarcasm laced in her 'innocent' voice,"Just go here then turn there, and then turn somewhere over here and you'll get to where ever you need to go, was that helpful."

'Oh just you wait you gorilla, karma's a bitch and it's gonna bite you in the ass and I'm going to be there to see it happen!' I say as I look her in the eye and walk away with sass...

only I didn't say that, I said this...

"Of course, how stupid of me not to know. Thank you for your time and helpful directions, have a wonderful day!" I actually reply with fake happiness and gratitude.

"Your welcome," she tells me as she turns back to her friend and begins to laugh as I continue to walk down the hallway, as lost as before.

'Damn,' I think as I keep my head down in rage,' I wish I could rip out her fake extensions and gag her with it.' 

Only I can't because  Father would have a field day in delivering my punishment and I don't want to give that bastard the satisfaction. 

'But ripping out extensions.... gagging her...' 


I'm so caught up in my delusional fantasies that I didn't even notice that someone was in front of me until I bumped into them.

"Hey watch it!" I tell of the person in front of me. Quickly realizing what just happened and what I said,  I bow before the person and apologize.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't realize my place or where I was."

"Hey it's no problem really, you don't have to apologize I wasn't looking where I was going either."

Surprised by the person's kind words, I stop bowing and look up to finally identify the person before me.

"My name is Haruhi Fujioka, It's nice to meet you." says a girl with glasses and short choppy hair dressed in baggy clothes.

"It's nice to meet you! My name is Ayame Goto. By the way do you happen to be a transfer student?"

"Is it that obvious?" she jokes making me laugh.

"No that's not it, me and my brother just went from homeschooling to private today and the headmaster told us over the phone that a third student by the name of Haruhi Fujioka was also transferring."

"Now that you mention it, I think I remember your name also, but where's your brother?" She asks curiously.

"Oh he couldn't make it today, so it's just me! Hey could you by any chance show me the way to the headmaster office, I've been looking for it all day..." I ask Haruhi sheepishly. She laughs and says,

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