Chapter 4

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"Hallucination is a fact not an error, what is erroneous is the judgment based upon it"- B.Russel.

Chloe's POV:

             It's been a total of five days since I woke up from my coma and struggling to do my best in recovering. I exhale a tired sigh, turning around lazily in my covers.

I glance at my attire, feeling uncomfortable to lie down on these new jeans.

I was surprised the jeans fit me perfectly with the sweater that the staff gave me.

Today is a big day for me.

I was informed yesterday by the doctors that the police are going to come attend me for some investigation. It didn't really matter because I don't even remember my name to begin with.

The thing that got my attention was its going to decide where I'm going to stay next. Since morning I've been walking around my room dressed up, panicking where is my next destination.

Earlier today, Dr.Cathy came for my check-up and I suddenly asked her if I could borrow her smart phone for a while and she accepted the request but on one condition.

I shouldn't go around reading her messages or other private stuff.

Not that I was planning to do it.

I guess its natural human tendency these days that an individual gets anxiety when others look into their phone, but I'm not up for sneaky work but something else.

I'm just grateful that I didn't forget how to use a phone.

I yawn, stretching my arms and gazing at the smart phone. For past few minutes I've been trying to search for a lake that got me curious after a weird dream I had few days back.

'Huge lake'

'Lake and forest'

'Lake in Marley's town'

It didn't show any such results I was looking for. I let out a frustrated groan. I'm in no luck with Sir Google today. I even tried typing Marley's town -where I'm right now- to check if this place has any lake nearby but nothing came up.

I knew it was a dumb idea..

I started feeling down, possibly worse after this.

Another reason I took the phone is because I wanted to search about the massacre of Hilton's town but ended up getting my stomach almost sick seeing the gruesome pictures on net.

I even got to learn few common things about the Trxyonate drug.

The serial killers who discovered drug were basically mad scientists in their past. Till today, no cure or antidote has been found for this particular drug.

Moreover, before searching for some lake I tried looking for some details about myself on the net.

How ironic. Asking Google about my own identity.

Few articles showed up stating a girl found wounded and it was reported to alert the towns in case she's missing to no avail. The articles stopped within a year I was found.

I close my eyes and try to clear the negative thoughts.

Switching the phone off, I roll myself into the covers to get a nap. Might as well need this more for what is to come ahead in a few hours.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘕𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘖𝘧 𝘍𝘦𝘣𝘳𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘺 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now