Erin x James (not a pokemon shipping)

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I know the book says it's about pokemon shipping, and I'm supposed to talk about pairings from Pokemon, but screw it, this is my book, I'll do what I fucking want and I want to talk about this pairing from one of my favourite sitcoms of all times - Derry Girls (seriously if you have Netflix or any steaming platform, I recommend watching both series that are out. I'm still hoping for a third season). 

MAJOR SPOILER WARNING: If you wanna watch the show, leave this chapter or just skip it, because it'll spoil stuff.

So, one of the latter episodes of the second series, shows that there is a prom for the school that the Derry girls attend. The loveable girl that is Erin, basically gets herself into being her crush's prom date (even though that guy had a girlfriend just a few minutes earlier. If that's alarming you, then that's probably because you can predict what happens). My boy James was planning on going to a Doctor Who convention. Therefore, not going to the prom. Erin of course picked herself out a stunning dress so that she could impress the original guy she was going out with. What happens? The guy doesn't bloody well turn up (SERIOUSLY?!), and she is just left waiting for hours and even considers not going. However, James turns up to save the day and one of my fave moments is when Erin asks 'what about your creep convention?' and James, casually responds with 'It's not a creep convention. And it's not important.' He proceeded to take her to the prom and she had changed dresses by the time she left, but before she left, the way he gazed at her, it's just clear, he's got a crush on her, he is absolutely in love with that girl. There are several other hints in the 2 series but they are way more subtle than this. The ship name made by the fans is 'Jerin' (James+Erin). I'm shipping these two so hard, and I'm pumped for another series, so I can hopefully see these two finally get together.

Suggestings for other pairings are welcome: I plan on talking about some Kalos pairings next.

Also, if I get enough requests I'll review another ship that's not Pokemon related, as well as it being one I think is a crime against humanity (take a guess, I dare you).

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