drivers licence - be more chill

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"i got my driver's license last week, just like we always talked about. cause you were so excited for me to finally drive up to your house. but today i drove through the suburbs, crying cause you weren't around."
michael officially passed the driving test, and got his license. after giving his moms one more big hug, he hopped into his car and drove down to jeremy's house.

when he got there, he knocked on the door and jeremy's dad answered. "hi mr. heere! i wanted to show jeremy what i just achieved today!" michael said excitedly.

"oh. jeremy is eating out with some friend at floridita."

"oh. okay." michael turned around and walked back to his car.
"you're probably with that blonde girl, who always made me doubt. she's so much older than me, she's everything i'm insecure about. yeah today i drove through the suburbs, cause how could i ever love someone else?"
when michael got to floridita, he saw jeremy sitting at one of the outside tables. michael got out of his car and ran over to jeremy's table, which was right next to the fence.

"jeremy!" he yells.

right as jeremy turns around to see michael, michael sees jeremy holding hands with one of the popular girls at school, sitting at the other side of the table. michael's heart sank in. not only it was some popular girl at school, it was brooke lohst.

"hey, michael! i'm just going on a lunch date with my girlfriend. brooke, this is my best friend michael! michael, this is brooke!"

michael have a small wave to brooke, who didn't wave back.

michael never knew that his best friend is dating such a popular girl, and he knew that brooke was never interested in michael. at school, brooke and her friends pretended like michael is not there and they all blocked him on all social medias.

"anyways, i just got my drivers license!" michael said, trying to sound excited. "thanks for helping me how to drive by the way. i wouldn't have been here without-" michael got cut off as the waitress came to drop off jeremy and brooke's food. once they got their food, they continued talking to each other, not even looking at michael.

michael sighed and walked back to his car.
"all my friends are tired of hearing how much i miss you, but i kinda feel sorry for them cause they'll never know you the way that i do. yeah today i drove through the suburbs, and pictured i was driving home to you."
michael sat with his other friend evan, along with evan's friend group, at lunch.

every single day, michael kept bringing up about how jeremy chose brooke over him, and soon it started becoming old.

"look, if all you're gonna do here is rant about jeremy and brooke, why don't you just leave?" connor groaned.

"SHHHHH!" michael whispered. "they could be in here!"

"no one cares that your crush doesn't like you, okay? it's not our problem!" jared says.

"hey michael," evan says, putting his hand on his shoulder. "i don't wanna be rude, but if you don't want us yelling at you about something that is 'private', you should leave. i'm sorry."

michael nodded, picked up his backpack and tray, and got up and walked away.

as michael is walking away, he saw jeremy sitting with brooke and her friends, chloe and jenna. michael could tell jeremy looks a lot more happier with those girls than him.

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