09GS Part 3

211 8 8

Requested by Mightymissscarlet_witch100


Shark hasn't moved from his spotted since GS left, thinking about what he said and what is his hidden self. It wasn't common, but when it comes to Players, it's a different story. 

The way things work, a regular creature - let it be a human, mob, hybrid, anything - will experience something that will turn them into a Player: once their time has come; let it be becasue of a:
-their time came too soon
-unfinish business
-a repress part takes over (this only works with hybrids)
-and/or one of the Gods/a higher being granted them a second chance. 
One thing they had in common is a Player loses all of his/her memories and must start over; it's rare for one to remember, majority of the ones who fall under the repressed section remembers but chose not to acknowledge it. There is a stage higher than a Player that makes the person just shy of being a God known as an Admin and the powers within are beyond what anyone has ever seen.

Shark only knows Sabre and Lucas became Players because Sabre's time came too soon and Lucas had unfinish business; both are also under a curse. A girl they told him about is also under a curse and repressed side of her took control (she was the reason they even found out about this stuff while Sabre and Lucas did all the research and connections). Moose even falls under one of those categories, more specifically, a higher being granted him another chance. It took some much time and research to figure out how and even more for why they were granted another chance. There wasn't even any signs on how or why Shark became a Player as he didn't fit in any of the categories so far.

'Maybe GS knows, probably why he took me but why hurt my friends and Moose? And why the rush for me to marry him? I'm still just a kid or, as the Steves say, 'not of age' or 'youngling' as GS put it.' Shark thought

There was a knock that inturrupted Shark from his thoughts and look up to see GS entering with a plate of food. At the sight of beef and steamed carrots made Shark's stomach let out a low growl embarrassing the human. Smiling slightly, GS sat next to Shark who went into a sitting position.

"Um, GS? Can I ask you something?"

"After you eat" GS said and held a fork with a piece of beef on it to Shark's mouth.

Glaring at the Steve, Shark said, "I can feed myself"

"Let me and I'll answer your question within parameters" GS said.

Wanting to know his origins, Shark complied and allowed GS to feed him until the plate was empty and Shark was full. GS put the plate on the ground then pulled the human onto his lap, surprising the latter.

"Wha-?! Let-"

"I'm keeping my promise, now ask away, but be warn, there are some question I can not answer and some I must leave details out"

"Okay, first why did you have to hurt Moose? Did you know of his origin?"

"I do, the Spirit King gave him another chance after becoming fond of him. Your friend gained the ability to regenerate faster than a regular human and Player as the Spirit King does not wish to see him injuried"

"Who's the Spirit King?"

"The one who decides where spirits of the fallen go, he takes the appearance of a Steve but his true form remains a mystery, even for me" GS explained, his attention though was on one of Shark's hand.

"Do you know everyone's origin?"

"No, the history of how one becomes a Player is hidden. I only know of your friend's since the Spirit King is an old acquaintance of mine."

"D-Do you know mine?"

GS went quite before speaking, "Yes"

"What happened?" Shark moved so he was now straddling the God's lap, "Who was I before? Did I have a family? Is anyone I know a Player too?"

"I can't answer who you were, but you did have a family and there are beings you know who became Players."

"Why can't you tell me?" Shark asked with disappointment, "You said-"

"I said there are some question I can not answer and some I must leave details out." GS said, rubbing the boy's hips to calm him, "There will be a time where I can reveal everything, but preparations must be made"

"You mean marrying me? Is that what these preparations are? Is what I was before someone you want to control?" 

A second after those words left his mouth, GS grabbed Shark's chin to force the latter to look at him.

"Listen" GS said darkly, his sky eyes darkened, "You were and are someone important to me. You were taken before everything was finished. I won't allow the same thing to happen, no matter the age you are, no matter what you want, we will finish what was started"

Shark whimpered both from the tone and bruising grip on his hip. It seemed the fear filled expression on the boy's face broke GS out of what ever he was under and everything about him soften.

"I'm sorry, that was the old me. I didn't mean to frighten you youngling" GS then pressed a kiss on the brunet's head, "I promised to not lay a hand on you or raise my voice, I broke that promise so I must apologize"

"C-Can you tell me if I was human or something else?" Shark asked.

Signing, GS said, "You were a human with no family"


"You had family, not blood related, friends acted as your parents and siblings. They wanted you to have a normal-ish childhood as you were the youngest of the group"

"I-If that was my life, then why did you want me?"

GS pushed Shark back onto the bed, caging the brunet, "I didn't want you. I am a god, I can have everything and anyone I wanted. Shark, I didn't want you."

The god stared deep into the human's eyes,

 "I needed you."


Word count: 1030

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