My Prince

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Yandere Reverse x ThelSpike

Requested by MelissaC3000

This is like Little Lamb from Book 3 but with Reverse and Lucas. I'm doing a second part, that's when the Siren Reverse will appear.


There was a kingdom ruled by a fair king and queen who did their best for the kingdom. The rulers have a beautiful younger son name Lucas that many cooed over at his adorableness. The boy has golden hair from his mother and blue eyes from his grandfather, a rare combination to be found. Lucas, though spoiled by others, did not grow up to be spoilt unlike some of his family - his dad's sister and her children except her oldest son who Lucas loves to play with.

As of now, the 5-year-old was playing in his room, waiting for his parents to get him. They were going to met with some supernaturals to sign a piece treaty. His parents want him to experience a lot as much as he can so he could grow up to be a great ruler, especially with the supernaturals.

Lucas look up when he heard the door open to see a man he never seen before with light blue hair and dark blue eyes.

"Who are you?" The boy asked.

"Just someone wondering around" The man said, "And who you might be?"

"I'm Lucas"

"Lucas, hmm" The man kneeled in front of the blonde and took his small hand into his then kissed the back of it, "So you must be the prince. I must say the rumors were right, you are absolutely adorable my prince"

The boy's face turned a bit red before pouting, "Don't call me adorable or prince, I don't like them"

Smiling, the man lightly brushed some of Lucas' hair back, "But it's true my prince, you're like a diamond: so rare, so important"

Lucas moved away from the man's hand, "Um, thank you? I-I need to get going, I'm suppose to meet my mother and father"

"Oh?" The man grabbed Lucas wrist when he stood up, "We haven't talk much and I would like to learn more about the treasured prince of the kingdom"

"I-I need to g-go" Lucas said scared, trying to pull away from the man but failed.

"My prince, I want to talk to you more" The man pulled him onto his lap so they were face to face, "You're mother and father can wait"

Being a child who is beyond scared, Lucas did the only thing he could: cry. This got the man's attention.

"Don't cry my prince" He said wiping the tears, "there's nothing to cry about. I won't hurt you if that's what you are afraid of, I would never hurt my precious prince"

"HE- mph" Lucas was inturrupted by a hand covering his mouth, "Mmmph! Mmm!"

"I'm so sorry my prince, I didn't mean to go overboard" The man then kissed his head, "I waited so long for you to be in my arms. Even though you are a youngling, I want to keep you until you become of age my sweet prince"

Lucas struggled to get out of the man's grip, he was so scared that the bluenet would kidnap him from home and do something bad to him. His mother and father told him stories of how people of all ages were kidnap and sold off, never to see again.

"Shh, if I take my hand off, you won't scream" The man smiled when Lucas nodded, "Good, now don't go back on our deal"

When the man took his hand off, Lucas whimper, "P-Please don't k-kidnap a-and s-sell me"

"Oh my dear prince," The man chuckle darkly, "I wouldn't sell you. The things I would do if I kidnapped you would ruin your purity."

The little boy's eyes widened and tried to get off the man's lap, but was pulled closer by an arm around his small shoulder.

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