SharkBrine Part 2

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Request by VanaTheDevilishAngel



"Are you sure about this?" Sabre asked, handing Lucas his satchel, "Herobrine-"

"Isn't a deity to mess with nor ignore, I know" The blonde signs, "But we need to know why July 1st is so important that Herobrine told us not to leave the safe area." 

Lucas turns to Sabre, "We'll be fine, I promise" 

Knowing there's no changing his mind, Sabre gave in and said goodbye as his cousin stepped through the portal leading to Shark's world. The human can only pray to Notch that everyone will be safe.

Without looking Sabre knew who was standing behind him, the warmth radiating from him was unmissable.

"They'll be fine, right?"

"I cannot predict this one's intentions, but his sights are on the young boy. I know what you are thinking Sabre, I will not allow you to be involved, not with this one."

 "What can I do?"

Nothing was said as both stared at the portal; one hoping for safety, the other trying to find a way to comfort him.


Lucas, Shark, and the Staff spent the whole day preparing for July 1st by making sure defenses were built up and Players who wanted to see were armored up. Afterwards, Shark and Lucas journeyed out of the safe area to start their investigation, but about an hour in they could already tell things were not as they should be: there were hardly any animals, the air felt heavier, and night came faster than they imagined, meaning mods started to appear.

The duo were quick to make a base with what ever materials they had while fighting mobs that were spawning at a very fast rate and avoiding the very frequent lightning strikes.

"What is with these mobs?!" Lucas groan as he demonizes a zombie, "Shark, please tell me you're making those beds"

"I'm working on it" Shark dug through his and Lucas' satchels to find wood and wool, "Fam, we have a problem! We don't have any wool!"

Lucas mentally cursed himself, "Do we have enough string to make more?"

Shark took all the string he could find and was able to make two pieces of wool, "We need four-!"

"Behind you!" Lucas shouted with his bow aimed to Shark who ducked before an arrow was released and ended a charged creeper's life.

"We need four more wool to pass the night" Shark finished, "I think I seen a sheep over there"

"Alright, make sure to put torches down, more light less mobs hopefully"

Shark nodded and sprinted to where the sheep was. He managed he got two.

'I should have made sheers then we just needed one' Shark scolded himself but headed back to Lucas where he seen several charged creepers.

After helping the blonde, the two went into their temporary base to make the beds. Apparently, Lucas got enough string to make another bed so they could sleep the night away.



Shark found himself in a place similar to the Void, a place where there is nothing yet there is everything.

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