He's MY Brother

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Yandere Positive Steve and Negative Steve

An idea I have where Positive desires all of his brother's attention and is easy to become jealous when Negative pays attention to someone else besides him.

Title is that way on purpose. Also, I don't know why, but I like Negative more that Positive.

If anyone wants a second part, who should have a crush on Negative? I'm thinking Elemental just because.


Weeks had past since Positive and Negative escaped Nightmare's castle thanks to the humans battling the king. The brothers made a base in a jungle where no one could find them easy. They really don't leave unless Positive gets really bored then they would mess with the humans or other Steves. On rare days that they split up, Negative would go out to visit a friend who he kept a secret knowing Positive absolutely hates it when he doesn't know everything about his older brother. Like their days apart, Negative keeping a secret from Positive was very rare. 

Anyways, as of now Negative finished making breakfast for him and Positive before going to the younger's room to wake him up. 

"Pos, wake up" Negative said as he shook the red head only to get a groan.

"Noooo" Positive whined.

"Come on, you can't stay in bed all day" Negative signed when his brother didn't move, "Fine, I'll give you a few minutes"

Just as Negative stopped shaking his brother, Positive grab his wrist the pulled him onto his bed and cuddled him. The blonde tried to get out but Positive had a hold on him and doesn't seem to want to let go anytime soon.

"Positive, let go"

"No. You're my prisoner" Positive declared in a sleepy voice, "I won't let you escape"

Shaking his head, Negative got up while holding the other who had a grip on him. This was usual for them ever since they were children and Positive only became more demanding of Negative's attention. For Positive, Negative was the only one who payed attention to him and became spoiled because of it; all he wants is his brother to look at him and him alone.

Negative ended up carrying Positive into the kitchen when he sat him down on a chair by the table. He set the plates of food down before taking a set himself across his brother and eating.

"Thank you Negative" Positive spoke in between bites, "This is so good"

"Don't talk with food in your mouth" Negative said before taking a bite himself.

"What ever you say mom" Positive chuckled but did as his brother said.

Once done, Negative went to wash the dishes while Positive watches him. 

"Pos, can you stop staring?" Negative asked, not even looking at the red-head, "Go do something else"

When he got no answer, the Steve was about to turn around when he felt someone hug him from behind and put their head on his back.

"What are you doing?" The blonde asked as he continues to wash the dishes, practically unfazed with his brother.

"Hugging you" Positive said, nuzzling his head into his brother's back, "You're so warm Neggy, I could hug you all day"

"You have until I finish, I want to do other things today" The older said, he felt the arms tighten around him, "Pos, can you loosen your grip?"

"I want to hug you, all day Neggy" Positive almost growled out.

"Not today, I got chores to do and I want to go out for a while. You can get some air and we can hang out later" 

"Where are you going?"

"More than likely a field I found a while ago and read" Negative said as he finished then turned to his brother who had let him go.

"You can read here! Or I can come with you!" Positive suggested, not wanting to leave Negative.

"You would get bored and I really want to finish this book" Negative explained, "Being separated won't kill us Pos, it'll only be a few hours anyways."

With that, Negative walked away to get stuff ready for his trip, leaving his brother alone in the kitchen. Positive didn't move from that spot, with fists clench, he felt anger coarse through his body as he didn't want his brother to leave him, even for a few hours. Negative is his big brother, no one else. 

Positive knows that his brother meets other Steves when they are separated; he followed him several times before. Since the red-head found out the blonde's secret, Positive has it stuck in his head that they are the reason Negative became so corrupted. Everyone thinks that Positive was the nicer brother, the more merciful one, but it's really Negative. Negative doesn't enjoy hurting others, truthful, and only does what he does for his younger brother while Positive is manipulated, not trustful at all, and takes advantage of others. Not once in their whole life has Negative ever lied to Positive until meeting those Steves.

'I'm going to make sure they don't corrupt him further' Positive thought as he walk to his room, 'They're not going to take what's mine'

With Negative, he packed his satchel with some food, his book and other stuff. The conversation with his brother was fresh in his mind and felt a bit guilty for lying but Positive doesn't like him socializing with others. Fortunately for Positive, he's very anti social and prefers to be in the background unlike his brother who loves attention. 

Just as Negative was about to leave their home, he said, "Pos, I'm heading out!"

"Wait!" Positive shouted as he ran to the older boy and handed him a red scarf, "Here, you almost forgot about this"

"It's not that cold, I don't need a scarf"

"Oh come on, please" Positive said with puppy eye that Negative couldn't refuse.

Negative signed and took the offered scarf then wrapped it around his neck to please his younger brother like always. 


"Very" Positive said then adjusted the scarf a bit, "You're just going to go and read right? Nothing else?"

"Yes, I'll be back in a few hours, promise" Negative said, "So long as you be good"

"I will, promise" Positive smiled.

The blonde ruffled his brother's hair then left to visit his secret friends unaware of the younger's intentions. Positive waited for a few minutes before grabbing his satchel and followed Negative to make sure nothing happens to HIS brother. 

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