FavremyNight Part 7

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Warning: blood, almost death.

Guess who it is before the end


"You" Guardian gasped seeing four creatures

One is a mermaid while the other three have wings.

"Hello Guardian, long time no see"

"Guardian, do you know them?"

"Oh, yes, Alex, I would like you to meet King Galaxy and King Void, and their ward Elemental. The three of them are actually Gods. The mermaid is Plague, King Infinity's ex-wife's brother" Guardian introduced, "But why are all of you here?"

"I promised my big sis to get her son away from that poor excuse of a father" Plague growled, "Negative's brother and father kept him under lock and key long enough"

"As for brother and me, Nightmare has broken ancient law of taking one who's underage" Galaxy explained.

Void then picked up, "We knew of Nightmare's other actions towards his kingdom and people but couldn't do a thing unless an ancient law was broken unfortunately."

 "What about you prince Elemental?" Alex asked while Plague picked the lock to let them out.

"Believe it or not, I'm Negative's betrothed. It was set up without Infinity's knowledge to ensure Negative's safety when he comes of age to meet me" Elemental explained, "Unlike Nightmare, I got permission from his guardian"

"There you go" Plague said as he opened the cell door, "Now let's get your friend and my nephew"

The group ventured out the cells but before leaving the dungeon, they decided to split up.

"Brother, Alex, Elemental and I will confront Nightmare and help Sabre. Plague, Guardian, go get Negative. If possible, arrest Infinity and Positive." Galaxy ordered and everyone went their separate way.


(With Negative)

After Positive and Infinity's cuddling session with Negative, they left him alone in his room with the door lock. This is usually what they call Negative's punishment; hoping it would cause some phycological issue for him to depend on them, but it does work. Negative has his own phycological issues that prevents him from being affected by his father and brother's attempts.

'I wish I went with mom' Negative thought but he knows if he did then dad and Positive would hunt them down until Negative was back with them. 

Negative went to read a book but a few pages in, there was a knock on the door. Usually his brother, dad, and uncle don't knock on the door.

"Who's there?"


Negative perked up and swam to the door, "Uncle Plague?! Is that you?"

"Yeah, I'm here with Guardian, are you okay?"

"I'm fine but the door's lock, father has the key"

"When has that ever stopped me from getting my nephew" Plague chuckled, "You might want to stand back kid"

Following his uncle's advice, Negative floated back a bit then heard thuds from the door before it was forced opened.

"Uncle Plague" Negative smiled and swam over to hug his uncle.

"Hey kid" Plague smiled, happy that his nephew is safe, "Your dad and brother didn't do anything to you, did they?"

"Besides locking me in my room, nothing else" Negative then frowned, "Uncle, how did you get in here? Uncle Nightmare never permitted you to enter his kingdom"

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