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Jisung stood outside the school gates unconsciously tapping his foot. His ride wasn't here so he had to walk home. A 1 hour walk doesn't sound too bad right?

Jisung sighed and began walking, he couldn't stop thinking about the events earlier. Minho all close up to his face. Yeah he sweared he was going to die. But he was lucky he did not.

He didn't realize his name was being called out.

"Jisung!" The boy slowly turned with an annoyed face. Minho was there on his motorcycle. Though the moment he saw Jisung's face he became hesitant. Jisung noticed and just smiled. "Sorry, what do you need?"

"I just saw you walking alone so I thought you didn't have a ride so I'm offering .. you know give you one."

Jisung stared at him, me sitting with you? This is some dream.

"I-if you want of course!" Minho laughed hesitantly. Jisung blinked.

"I do need a ride if im being honest.." Jisung looked away hiding his excitement.

"Then hop on!" and that's what he did.

Jisung couldn't believe this was happening. All this in one day? It felt surreal. He wrapped his arms around his waist and smiled. He didn't have a clue what was happening but if this was a dream he would want to live in it forever.

Minho drove for a while but he had finally made Jisung arrive home.

"Thank you, I don't know how to repay you."

"How about you invite me to eat one day?"

He couldn't believe his ears. He awkwardly nodded, and with that the boy drove away. Jisung walked inside his home. He dropped on his couch letting his bag just spill on the side with papers. His hands reached his face and with a muffled voice he whispered, "What the hell just happened?"

No, stop thinking too much it's literally just going out for food.

Jisung groaned and made his way to his room. He can't get excited, Minho is straight and even of he wasn't, Minho was way out of his league he's too cool and amazing. Everyone would want a chance with someone like him. He's beautiful and unique. He's never seen anyone like him.

He still remembers the time during his freshman year, when the school had their annual sports event and Minho had to fill in for someone in the archery team. He remembers how pretty he was. The flower crown on his head, the blue shirt.

The way he's good at everything. He scored a bullseye and Jisung thinks that's the moment he knew he was in "love" with him.

Snap out you idiot.

"HANJI!?" Hyunjin yelled in the hallway.

Jisung glared at him.

"Dude! You didn't answer my calls all week!"

Jisung looked at the floor avoiding eye contact. "Sorry I was having a rough time and just decided to have a whole week for myself."

"Oh, that's okay. Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, what happened when I was gone?"

"Oh yeah, I got in an argument with the principal. And got a 3 day suspension for vaping in the bathroom."

Jisung laughed, "You're actually so stupid."

"Yeah yeah whatever babe."

Jisung rolled his eyes, he was used to being called that by Hyunjin. Hyunjin didn't actually mean it because he was actually dating someone but he doesn't tell anyone. An actual secret relationship.

"Oh and Minho and his gf broke up."

Jisung slammed his locker.


"Yeah they broke up apparently, no one knows why but eh who cares."

"Yeah, anyways I have photography later. And I didn't charge my camera so I'm fucked for later. Do you know if Seungmin is here today?"

"Yeah, he texted me this morning saying he has a debate practice today so he can't come to photography today."

"Ah okay, thanks for letting me know."

Hyunjin patted his back and walked away the moment he saw Seungmin.

"Can I borrow your camera charger?" he asked quite desperately.

"Yeah sure, also you are very lucky." Seungmin chuckled grabbing the cord from his bag.

Jisung didn't understand what that meant but he shrugged taking the charger and hurried to his class.

currently waiting for the moment skz drop a teaser 🤓

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