Louis' Tumblr

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Louis doesn't how it even started, he swears. He'd simply wondered what the big fucking deal was about him and Harry's 'relationship.' So, he googled it. (Duh.) And man, he'd never expected the first thing to pop up to be a drawing of him and Harry doing, notsofriendly things to each other. Louis let out a small gasp, and looked at where the source originated from. Tumblr.com. He stared at it for a moment, before clicking another photo. This one was an actual one, of him and Harry cuddling on a couch. Next. A gif of he and Harry staring at each other. Okay. Louis wondered where all of these were originating, so he looked through a bit, before clicking a website called tumblr where most of these came from, and began scolling down. He saw picture after picture after picture of him and Harry. His and Harry's 'secret touches', 'secret touches', and more god damn fan art. His eyebrows furrowed as he got to the first non-picture, which was a simple black and white text:



Louis' first thought was, okay. Okay. That's new. He didn't think that Larry was that big of a deal, really. Geez, he'd thought it was a simple 'oh haha they're bestfriends, lololol so ccuuttteee!!<3'

Not post after post of how they'd fuck.

Oh well. He'd scrolled for a bit longer, continuously telling himself mentally, you should exit the page. But he never did. In fact, an hour later, he'd clicked the large sign up button in the right hand corner.


It had been 2 months since Louis had discovered Tumblr, and he was quite addicted. He almost totally dropped Twitter for Tumblr, and he lived on the Larry tag. (he'd told himself over and over that it was because he liked to keep track of what was happening, but he knew it wasn't) He'd reblog, & like almost every picture, gif, and text post on that page, adding his own input from time to time. He'd even uploaded his own pictures, ones that weren't exactly on the internet. But nothing too suspiscious. Just simple ones of them hugging, posing, laughing, and everything in between. Because of his addictive posting habits, he'd gained quite a bit of traction on the site, he was almost at 17,000 followers. (he'd told himself that was the only reason he didn't quit, but he knew it wasn't.)

In the time of his Tumblr obsession, Louis was always on his phone and laptop, and would not let anyone see them. No, never.

Zayn had wanted to check how he'd looked in his phone camera, but as soon as he'd picked up Louis' phone and unlocked it, Louis ran across the room, screeching. He grabbed his phone out of Zayn's hand, ignoring the quizzical look he was reciving. He shoved the object deep into his pocket, grumbling some lame excuse about it's battery being low, and stalked out of the room.

God fucking damnit, that had been close. Louis picked his phone out of his pocket, and added a passcode, just for extra protection. No one would see the tumblr app he'd have hidden in there. No one.


Louis checked his inbox for the first time that day, being bored as hell, and needing tumblr to occupy his time. He was currently staying at Niall's, (not purposely avoiding Harry, he just missed Niall, or at least thats what he tried telling himself, he knew it wasn't true) He aimlessly scrolled through the usual messages of omigooddddddd i luv louis and harry to the shoutout plz? He rolled his eyes, and was about to click his button to go check twitter or something, when a certain message caught his eye.

Why haven't you written smut about Larry? U'd be fab xx -Anonymous

Louis furrowed his eyebrows, he'd neevr heard of smut, before. He went on urban dictionary and searched it, wanting to keep his followers happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2015 ⏰

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