Make Me Feel like I'm Breathing

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Here's another story I found! Hope you enjoy!

~Make Me Feel like I'm Breathing~

Harry's a mess. Harry's always a mess before shows. Harry's always a mess before Louis calms him.

It's after their sound check and between hair and their final warm-ups and Louis grips tight to Harry's wrist while Lou styles Niall's hair. Louis himself is already ready to perform, his makeup done, hair styled, first costume on. Harry's still in his sweats with hair still clean from his morning shower because they know what Louis has to do to calm Harry down and they know there's no point in going through the motions of getting him ready, only for his clothing to get sweaty, his makeup to run and his hair to go wild.

So Louis just pinches his wrist and pulls him close to his side, Harry's fingers clenching and unclenching nervously as Louis pulls him tight to his chest and leads him through the passages of the venue.

The cold air nips at their skin as they exit from the back door, walking quick through the parking area to the tourbus with Harry shuffling closer to Louis, almost wanting to climb inside of him.

Mac opens the door for them before exiting himself, knowing what they're up to and not wanting to stay around for it. Louis smiles at him broadly and Harry's smiles shakily, his hands trembling as Louis marches him towards the back of the bus, towards the large bed.

He gives Harry's bum a soft pat, signalling him to carry on to the bed while Louis digs around in his suitcase for what he needs, holding them in one hand before carrying on.

Harry's perched on the bed, fingers tangled and lip between his teeth, turning cherry as he rolls it between pearly-bleached whites.

Louis sets the vibrator and the lube on the painfully tacky red duvet before he carefully slips to his knees and Harry smiles to him in that small smile of his, nervous and jittery but filled with awe and adoration.

"Get undressed," Louis commands him, and Harry complies without second thought, sweater tossed to the corner in a blink before he's pulling his joggers from around his narrow hips and kicking them to the side, leaving him bare, pants never seeming a necessity these days.

His eyes are already looking a hint distant as Louis gets comfortable on his knees, running a hand up the hairless expanse of Harry's milky thigh. Harry always starts dipping at the sight of his vibrator, bubblegum plastic with flecks of glitter in the pink. His cheeks pink to match the colour and his eyes go wide, his lips chewing.

Even though the bus' heater is on and keeping the air warm, Harry's skin prickles with goose-bumps and his lip gets sucked deeper into his mouth, eyes blinking slowly while his fingers continue to tangle.

"So beautiful, sweetheart. So pretty," Louis compliments him, using both hands to edge Harry's thighs apart so he can kneel in closer. Harry swallows and Louis smiles up at him. "Lie back for me angel," he commands, pressing a kiss to Harry's knee before Harry is flopping back onto the mattress, knees spreading a hint wider when he does.

Louis runs his hands up the inners of his creamy thighs, squeezing at the soft and tender flesh before he's pressing his knees open wider, enough for his tendons to jump out where thigh and groin meet, pressing his knees to the mattress. Louis licks his lip at the sight, Harry's chest rising high before he sags back with a deep breath.

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