Above & Below

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Above & Below

pairing: larry

words: ~2900

prompt: 69 please, where they're both being very vocalllllllll xxx

He couldn't have told you went it happened. 'During the jump,' Niall said. 'Hip thrusts,' Zayn and Liam had said in unison. Whereas Harry had just shrugged and frowned softly, 'Dunno boo, just ice it, yeah?'

So there Louis was, lying on the couch in his hotel room with an icepack pressed to his ankle. It wasn't sprained, just twisted according to the paramedic. Rest, ice, he'd be fine in no time. Until then he had a bit of a limp and it became a chore just to walk around. The other boys had taken pity on him quickly, they'd always been so close - and so it was only natural for the other four to find themselves in Louis' room with him. They had a couple of hours before their next event: an interview that would be airing the next morning.

Make up had started pulling them out of the room, one at a time. They had plenty of time, so things were moving at a surprisingly, but no unwelcome, leisurely pace. Liam was the first of the boys to volunteer to leave, knowing full well that Louis of all of them should be the last to have to wander out of the room, only to be tossed and powdered about by make up and ward robe. Twenty minutes after Zayn had slipped off as well.

The lot of them had been sprawled about the room watching some boring American program on the television, though none of them seemed to really be following it, and at first they all seemed pretty content with just taking a bit of a nap. After a while, however, Harry and Niall had taken up the bulk of the attention. They were playing some sort of game, trying to psyche the other out and slap each other lightly in the face. The rest of the boys watched on with smirks, punctuated with bouts of laughter when one of them would get a slap in.

Once Liam and Zayn had departed, it only left the other three in the room. Harry and Niall sitting next to each other on the foot of the bed,

Harry had succeeded in slapping Niall about four times in a row - flustered, the Irish boy lunged after the taller of the two in a fit of chuckling, chasing him around the room. All three of them giggled and cackled as chaos ensued. Harry hopped over the empty lounge chair and onto the arm of the sofa that Louis was lying on - Harry's feet just about his head. One glance over his shoulder told him that Niall was caught up by the lounge chair but still hot on his tail, Harry turned back, quickly crawling over the couch, giggling hysterically and placing his knees awkwardly, yet carefully around Louis as he crawled.

"Grab 'im!" Niall laughed, stumbling up to his feet from the chair, and Louis didn't need to be told twice.

He'd watched with a cheeky grin as his boyfriend had loomed first above him, then started scrambling down him. Tan arms enclosed around that long, slim torso, and he squeezed his eyes shut as he pulled Harry down roughly on top of him. He could feel his face bang down against his inner thigh, and laughter erupt through the body he clung too. Niall took two steps their way, but the door to the roomed opened for the third time, and he took one glance at the heap of laughter on the couch and decided that he himself would go now.

"Lemme go!" Harry managed in between bouts of laughter, flinching and thrashing as the hands attached to the arms around him tickled up and down his sides.

"I don't want to," Louis whined softly, slowing the tickling down until the tips of his fingers were just barely tracing up and down the younger boy's spine.

That response only rendered a huff from the trapped of the two parties, his arms wrapping around the thighs beneath his head, face turning to rest down on one and look across the room at the television. "Can you even see with my bum in your face?" he asked with a grin.

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