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Harry tries to show Louis just how much he loves and wants him after some tweets about his performance in one of their concerts leaves Louis sad, insecure and doubtful of their relationship.

"Thank you all! Good night!"

It was the end of their last show of the Take Me Home tour in the USA. They could still feel it all; the adrenaline pumping and coursing down their veins, the sweat dripping down their backs and pasting their hair unto their foreheads, the screams of the crowd deafening their ears. It was an amazing feeling and rush; one that they were still not so quite used to.

They made their way backstage and huddled into a group hug. It was a tradition they had after every show, to show their love and appreciation for each other. The occasional "you were great, man" was being thrown back and forth between them, with tight grips to express brotherly love. Of course, some hugs were more intimate than others.

The minute Harry wrapped his lanky arms around Louis's curvy torso sighs of content and comfort were exchanged between both boys. The atmosphere visibly relaxed; the boys were always rigidly tense on each show due to the harsh orders and high expectations their management have had since they found out about their relationship: no talking, no touching, no looking, no breathing... it was driving all of them insane, specially the two of them.

Harry nuzzled his head on Louis's wet-from-sweat hair and breathed in sharply, as if this was the last time he'd see him in a while and was savoring the way he smelled. "You okay, love?"

Louis nodded into Harry's chest, sad from the day's events yet let a muzzled "yeah" fall from his lips to appear normal.

Harry dropped his head a bit until his lips were directly next to Louis's ear and whispered "one day, Lou. One day."

Louis smiled a bit at the promise and pressed tighter against his boyfriend, seeking comfort of something other than what Harry thought. One day, they'd be out and proud. One day, they'd be free. One day, they'd be themselves- that was the promise.

One sweet day.


Louis rushed into the flat's bathroom as soon as he arrived. He told Harry that the food they'd eaten earlier didn't settle with his stomach, but his reason for locking himself inside such a restricted space was more of an upset mind than an upset stomach.

He took out his phone and started logging on Twitter, remembering those dreadful moments in today's concert.

Voice cracking in Over Again.

Not enough breath in Kiss You.

Horrible pitch in Rock Me.

Voice cracking, again, in Back For You.

Overall horrible performance.

He sighed. Why was he so horrible? Why couldn't he be as good as the rest of the lads? He knew that sometimes he was adequate, but tonight? Not a chance.

He skimmed over the comments and found himself being oddly comforted by the occasional "hi, Boo!" he saw from the fans, and delighted by the shout outs and "follow me". He even followed some of the people, feeling his spirits rise. However, when he searched for comments on the show he just gave all good feelings quickly went away, and he felt his heart stop when he read the first tweets that appeared.

@NoLarry_ItsNarry: u r ugly!!

@GODIE_LWT: you've got no talent/1!

@Tru_Direction_er: faggot! >:(

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