Being Little

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Being Little

summary: Harry is smaller than usual and Louis is over protective. He shows Harry what he actually looks like and Harry thanks Louis by giving Louis what he loves the most.

word count: 4,226

tags: tiny!harry, overprotective!louis, smut, fluff, riding, lackofselfasteem!harry

"Look at the midget!"

"Where's Harry? Oh, there he is, I couldn't see you since you're so small!"

"The dwarf is in, everybody turn on their radars!"

"How do you know when Harry's in the room? You have to look really good everywhere, he's not so easy to spot."

"Why's the long face? It doesn't go with your small body!"

This is a prime example of what Harry had to live with his whole life. The comments on his height were horrible and it made him feel so bad, he once tried to arrange a surgery to get a new body and a new sex, so he could wear heels and not feel so little. Harry was desperate and he wanted to be tall so bad, he cried every night, thinking of how would it be if he was tall, how would it be if he could stand and see everything behind the fence, how would it be to go on a concert and not get squished, how would it be to be big and strong and how would it be to be able to not use everything possible to support you and give you height so you can see.

Harry's parents were like all the other parents; protective, nice, persistent and they always blabbered about how he should just live with it and how he should not care so much about his height because he is cute like this and it makes him who he is. If he was tall, he's bump his head off the door frames all the time and he'd have to crouch to walk through the doors. And Harry always responded with how he doesn't care if he's going to bump his head off of everything, at least he'll not get bullied and not get turned into a ball every time they have P.E. He'd be able to see everything without standing on dozens of books and stools and he'd be happy.

Then one day he met a beautiful boy, whose hair was brown, feathery softness and if you ran your fingers though it, you'd think you're touching clouds, his eyes were the most beautiful colour of azure, if you looked into them, you'd lose track of time and space and all you could see is the gorgeous lagoons and tropical blue flowers. His cheeks were always flushed in a bright crimson red and his lips were thinner than Harry's, but oh, how they were pink and soft. When he smiled, the whole world stopped and stared for a minute and how his eyes crinkled when he laughed, Harry swore, it could cure cancer. His jaw was extraordinary, especially how it glazed graciously when he talked. It was pretty sharp, but it was in its best edition when he didn't shave for a few days, so it would grow a stubble. It made Harry's head spin around how good it looked on him and how rugged he'd look. A mixture of mature and young. Just how his personality was. His cute body, his masculine arms which were covered in tattoos, his little tummy and how he gripped it tight when he laughed so hard his eyes watered, his beautiful, milky thighs and his marvellous bum which is out of this world and feels squishy when you touch it (but it's not like Harry's has seen it all and felt it, right?). There isn't a single thing he didn't like about that boy and he sometimes even thought Louis was made of sugar, spice and everything nice. Sometimes, he thinks, a drop of sunshine fell onto Louis before he was born, so when he enters the room, he brightens everyone's days and makes everyone smile.

Who knew, two years after, they'd be in the world's most known band and that they'd be band mates with 3 other lads. He was so grateful he got such wonderful people to spend his life with and they were like brothers to him, brothers he never had. But none of them made Harry feel like Louis did. Louis was special.

And yes, Harry had to deal with awful comments about his height again, but the lads weren't so bad. They did tease him, but it was all because they loved him and they cared about him. That was the sentence Harry heard a million times and he always rolled his eyes when he heard it because he knew they all weren't lying and that they really thought that.

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