A Love Like No Other

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It's almost midnight, and Louis knows he should be sleeping. His boyfriend, Harry, is curled next to him, a protective hand splayed across Louis' swollen stomach.

But their baby keeps kicking, and no amount of shifting will make her stop. Louis frowns, lifting the jumper he had borrowed ( stolen ) from Harry earlier that night.

"Bean..please, just stop kicking. It's hurting dada." He whispers, but the kicks continue, harder than before. He lets out a small whimper, squeezing his eyes shut.

A sleepy Harry shifts next to him, blinking his eyes open.

"Pumpkin? What's wrong?" He sits up, leaning down to press a kiss to Louis' head.

Louis pouts, making grabby hands at him. Harry immediately complies, pulling his pregnant boyfriend into his lap.

"'S the baby. She won't stop kicking"

Harry pales, holding his lover closer.

"Do we need to go to the hospital? Is she coming?" Louis can't help but giggle at his boyfriend's adorable antics, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"No, you dork. She's not due for another month. But can you try to sing to her?"

Harry blushes slightly, nodding. "'Course Lou. Anything for my little princess." He leans down, nudging his nose against the skin just above Louis' belly button.

"Hi baby girl..Dada asked me to sing to you since you're being naughty and kicking him. But I forgive you since I love you so much." He presses another kiss to Louis' stomach, starting to whisper a lullaby into the soft skin of his belly.

Louis smiles slightly, chewing on his bottom lip. He was nearly eight months along, and Harry hand been getting more and more excited about the arrival of their daughter. He had even gone out and bought a whole wardrobe of expensive designer baby clothes, claiming that a princess couldn't wear cheap clothes found at normal department stores.

He couldn't help the burst of affection swelling up in his chest, making his face soften as he watched the green-eyed man. This was the boy he had met all those years ago in a little bakery by the edge of town, who had tripped over his own feet while attempting to flirt with Louis. That was the first time he had felt that now familiar warm feeling inside, his cheeks tinted pink from laughing at the clumsy boy. He had come by the bakery every day for weeks until Harry finally built up the courage to ask him on a date.

That was four years ago, and here they are now, lying in bed with Harry singing to his unborn daughter, and Louis trying not to burst from how much he loves them both.


Louis wakes the next morning to soft kisses along his neck, and a warm hand rubbing gentle circles into his pregnant belly. He rolls over to face his boyfriend, scrunching his nose up as Harry nips at the tip of it playfully.

"Morning cutie." He grins, kissing Louis' forehead. Louis just groans, throwing an arm over Harry's waist.

"'S too early for life." He mumbles, curling into his boyfriend's side. Harry just laughs and pulls him into his lap, rubbing a hand possessively over the swell of his stomach. Louis pouts slightly, nuzzling into his chest.

"Harryyyyy." He groans, fluttering his eyelashes at him. "'m hungry." Harry smiles fondly, watching the boy on his lap.

"Pancakes, darling?" Louis pouts and nods, watching as Harry stands and pushes his hair back.

"I'll be back in a bit, queenie." He scrunches his nose up at the nickname, but his heart swells just a little bit with all the love he has for this boy.

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