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"Eat that" Lisa point at the plate full with green vegetables to her wife who's sitting across to her on the rectangle shaped table.She and her wife were currently in Lisa's one of most favourite restaurant,restaurant JJ.

"No" the blonde protest. "I already eat that a lot just now you know.You can't possibly force me to eat whatever I don't like.It's my mouth and my tummy we're talking about" she fold her arm on her chest.Face is red,trying to hold back her anger.

"Come on Rosie.You have to eat that.I order them for you" Lisa says softly to her wife. "You skipped meal for two days straight.So,it's very nonsence of you to eat just little thing.Three slice of meat,little amount of vegetables and one big milk shake drink is not enough.So,eat that set of vegetables to add more.You sure don't want to get sick,don't ya?" she smile teasingly because she know how much her wife hate dealing with any health issue.

"Noooo" she whine cutedly to the Thai (unintentionally).When she realize how much she sound like a little kid,she close her mouth abruptly.She suddenly feel ashamed of herself.The way she sound like second ago surprise her so much.She never been like this before.The last time she be this version of her is before the accident happen.Her grandparents accident to be specific.Fear started to fill her.Lisa gave her so much affect.Everytime Lisa was around,she find it hard to mask her feeling.She will be struggling to keep a straight face whenever the Thai's around.The more Lisa stay with her,the harder it feels like to be the mature version of her.Lisa just seem to be able broke all the wall she set up high.

Meanwhile,Lisa just sit there with her jaw dropped open.Did she hear her wife wrong? How the hell did the blonde had the nerve to whined cutely? Lisa don't know what to say or what to do.This is her first time seeing the blonde being such vulnerable and innoncent.Lisa swore,she feel like a bomb just fall right in the restaurant,on the table she and her wife was sitting at because when the cute whinning came out unexpectedly from Rosie mouth,everything just feel stopped.It's like the time freeze.

"I..I'm sorry" Rosie get up from her sit,looking panic.

Lisa head shot up to meet her wife eyes but the girl just avoid her eye contact which is telling Lisa something is off.Whatever the reason is,it must be something very serious.Lisa know that. "Why?" she question with natural frown on her face.

"Let's go back Lisa" she says ignoring Lisa previous question.

No matter how much Lisa want to question Rosie for her sudden mood sifting,she keep her mouth close shut.She know this wasn't the right time to dig in some information from the blonde.

Nodding,she get up from her seat. "Okay" she says.

Rosie was about to walk away towards the exit when Lisa ask her to stop.She tilt her head to look at Lisa. "What?"

"Nothing" Lisa says but then she take her wife hand and interwin their finger. "Let's go" she says as she pull the blonde gently to walk beside her.

Rosie would be lying if her heart don't beat fast to the sudden skin contact Lisa gave her.The moment Lisa slit her finger in between hers,she could feel the electric jolt inside her.Her stomach flip,her heart flutter. "Fuck!" she curse.She try to play cool but her cheek is heating.She must be blushing right now and it's embrassing. "Stop it you bitch!" she scold her cheeks in her mind.She don't want Lisa see that.The Thai probably think she is weird later if she notice how red Rosie cheek is right now.

They walk in comfortable silent(for Lisa) but uncomfortable silent (for Rosie).The blonde is sweating as hell.She keep on glancing towards their interwin hand.

"So,do you have any-.." the Thai pause when she notice how red her wife cute cheeks is.She took that as something serious like anything she should be concern about. "What's wrong? Are you hurt? Does the sun light hurt you?" she cup Rosie cheek using her both hand which cause the Korean cheeks turn more redder than it already are.

Suddenly,Rosie feel suffocated.She don't know what suffocate her but right after Lisa touch her using her both hand,she feel like her heart stop for a second.Her breath hitched and stuck in her throat.Was it because of Lisa?

Why the fuck is happening??

"Li.." she says but unable to finish her sentence because of the shortness of breath she is dealing with right now.

Lisa grew more worried when she saw her wife chest rose up and down frantically. "Baby,what's wrong? Why are you like this? What happen?" she question real quick.

The blonde shook her head.How can she tell Lisa about that simple touch is the reason why she is she right now? Don't that look ridiculously stupid one to say?

Gathering all her strength,she bring up her hand to grab Lisa hand.She gently take Lisa hand off from her face and was relieve when she feel better.She can breathe now. "Oh my god" she put her hand on her chest,trying to cool down her racing heart.

She pant for air.

Lisa grew more confuse. "What happen?" she question.She try to reach for her wife but Rosie held her hand out to stop Lisa in track.

"Don't" she says sternly. "Don't come near me or I'll die" she blurt out as she stood straight.

After some moment,her breath finally in normal rhytm.Her heart no more pounding like crazy.She is back to normal and she don't want Lisa to touch her once again to bring back the stupid temporary suffocateness.

Lisa frown.Why the hell did the blonde don't want to be near her? And why the hell did Rosie tell her she'll die? "Why?"

"Nothing.Now,let's go back home.I want to rest." she started to walk.She maintain a meter far from Lisa on her way to the passenger door seat which makes Lisa narrow her eyes for the sudden weird behavior shown by Rosie.What could it mean? Lisa want to know that but seeing how serious her wife face right now is,she put aside her question.Maybe she could find it out on her own one day or maybe she can figure out some way to know them.

"Okay" reply the Thai.

After they both get into Lisa car,Rosie just sit silently on the passenger sit.Lisa on the other side keep on glancing at her wife twice every 10 second.She grew frustrated when the Korean didn't even spare a glance towards her.

Why was Rosie behaving like this?


Okay,I know this is the shortest chapter because it was suppose to.

I'll sure gonna write more for next one.See ya next week!

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