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Third Person POV:

It was a bright and sunny day, you would never had though it would turn so tragic. The small five year old was running around laughing while his mother was trying to catch him.

"Got you!" Said the boys father.

"Ahhh, daddy!" The boy said while screaming and laughing.

"Okay my boys, why don't we go in and get some lunch?" Said the mother.

"Ok mommy!" The boy said as he ran inside.

As the family was eating lunch the sound if someone hitting the house was heard outside. The father went out to see what it was, while the mother took the young boy up to his room.

"Stay here, and if anything happens you run. Understood?" The mother told her son.

"Understood mommy!" Said the boy and watched his mother leave the room.

The woman quickly ran outside to see her husband fighting off a giant brown wolf. She knew immediately it was the Alpha King by the size of his wolf. Her and her husband knew that he was their to kill them and their son.

You see the woman was a werewolf and the man was a vampire and they were mates. Werewolves and vampires had never been mates before and thought the couple could be a threat. So the Alpha King took it upon himself to be rid of them.

The man and woman fought as hard as they could, but it was of no use. The Alpha King was too strong, and eventually killed them. The last sound they made was a scream.

The boy was still in his room when he heard his parents scream. He didn't know what to do so he stayed in his room and waited for someone to come get him.

Three days had pasted and he was getting hungry, so he left his room in search of his parents.

He looked all around the house and couldn't find them, so he ventured outside.

What he saw was something no five year old should have.

His parents were dead, and the only reason he knew it was them was because if their wedding rings.

His mother had been slit in the stomach with her insides pouring out. Where as his father had his head ripped off of his body.

It was a gruesome sight, that's the boy should not have seen at such a young age. Yet he did.

After that day he promised to avenge his parents death, and kill whoever had done it in the same way they killed his parents.

15 years later

The boy was now a man found out the Alpha King was the one who killed his parents.

He knew he could not just kill him, without getting himself killed, so he challenged him for his position.

The man had spent years training and getting stronger just so he could kill the one responsible, and the time had finally come.

The fight began and the man waited for the Alpha King to make the first move. When he went in for a strike the man moved. The Alpha King threw more punches and kept missing. Growing frustrated he shifted into his brown wolf and the man shifted into his black wolf.

When the man shifted everyone gasped as black wolves were only hybrids. Everyone was terrified and the Alpha King knew he was no match.

While the Alpha King was distracted the man sliced his side, deep enough to make the Alpha King fall. The man then sliced his stomach while the Alpha King tired to fight back, but it was of no use. The man then bit off the Alpha Kings head, killing him.

Everyone then bowed down and he was now the new Alpha King.

A few days later he was officially announced as the Alpha King and made sure to make things right.

12 years later

The man ruled fair, but was ruthless and cruel to those who dared to defy him. Only three years back there was a war between the werewolves and dragons.

The battle was fierce and many lost their lives, but the werewolves came out of it victorious.

After that battle more people feared him as he showed no mercy. Although after they won the battle the new leader of the dragons wanted peace and made a peace treaty which has been upholder to this day.

But all of the werewolf world now knows who he is. They know he is a werewolf, vampire hybrid and they respect him, as all of his choices as king have been fair to all.

Although everyone knows he longs for one thing.

Everyone knows their Alpha King, Xavier Knight, longs for his mate.

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