Chapter 4

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Owen knew what he had to do.
He kept repeating in his head the old man's word when he walked down the hall.
He saw Meredith and Callie speaking, he entered in the middle of the conversation

"I can't Callie" Meredith sobbed "I can't let her go " She said and look over the paled intubated body that used to be Cristina.
"I know how hard is could be, I really do. I felt the same on Mark" Callie had to take some extra air "but there is no other chance"
"We need to let her go Mer" Owen joined there conversation
"No!" Meredith yelled "You spoused to love her! You said she is the love of your life" she dried her tears
"I do! She is! But there is no other choice, I'm her emergency content legally its my decision"
"Oh great Owen, you wanna go there" Meredith started to sob again
Owen opened his arms and wrapped them around Meredith "I know, its hurts us all"
Meredith kept crying into Owen's shoulder.
"I'll go fill the forms, meet me in the bar" he smiled "I'll buy the first one"

Owen entered into the bar and sat next to Meredith "Tequila?" He asked
"Tequila" Meredith answered
Owen signed to the bar tender and he brought two glasses with Tequila.
Meredith sipped it all in once so did Owen
"She would never believe" Meredith said
"What?" Owen asked
"Cristina, she would never believe if someone would tell her that you and me went drinking together"
Owen chuckled "I know, seem like a dream"
Owen's phone rang, he said few word and when he hang the only 3 words that came out were "Oh, My God"

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