Chapter 19

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"Mer" Cristina said and stole Meredith's attention from the chart. Cristina raised the cup of coffee in her hand and offer her the coffee.

"Thank you. What are we celebrating?" Meredith asked sipping from the coffee that Cristina gave to her.

"Me being an awesome friend, isn't that a reason?" Cristina chuckled, and so did Meredith

"Have you determined your opinion on Owen?" Meredith asked curiosity.

"I'm tired of him, one time he is so in to me and in the other he is so apathetic, so I'm looking forward" Cristina said and sipped from her coffee

"Looking forward?" Meredith asked, amusing from the idea of Cristina moving on from Owen.

"I'm looking forward" Cristina claimed.

"We are looking forward, that's... good" Meredith said "Let's see how that's works for you" she added

"What do you mean?" Cristina asked, but Meredith didn't say a thing and just smiled. 2 seconds later Cristina understood why did she say it.

"Hello ladies" Owen's sweet voice came from the back of Cristina. Cristina sighed without a voice.

Hope for the hopelessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz