Chapter 10

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"What's wrong?" Mer asked when she saw Cristina's face.
"O...Owe...Owen" she stammered
"What happened with Owen?" Meredith asked
"He... He left" Cristina sighed "I have to go to the airport"
"Cristina you can't leave the hospital, you're still unstable we need to watch you an-"
Cristina broke into Meredith sentence "I remember"
"What?" Meredith asked "you remember? All? All of it?"
"Yes! So are you gonna take me to the airport or am I gonna walk my way to there?"
Cristina ran to one of the airport workers "I'm sorry but when the flight for Seattle is about to go?"
The worker looked in the computer and then back at Cristina "I'm sorry but the flight already flew"

I'm sorry that the last few chapter were short as hell but I promise it will be worth it...

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