Chapter 20

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"Owen" Meredith said and smiled, Cristina wanted to kill her for teasing her that way "hey" Cristina said and turned over so she could look at him.
"I have a patient with a heart condition, and since you're here I thought you could check out what's wrong with him" Owen said "of course, because I have nothing else to do on my vacation but check out your patient. Don't you have a Cardio department?" Cristina replied in waspishness. Owen was a little bit surprise from the way she answered him "well, I do but none of them good as you " he toadied
"I've got 15 minutes" she said

Cristina and Owen got out of the patient room, Cristina wrote something on the chart as she said "With those pills he will be just fine" she said and closed the chart, Owen looked at her and didn't say a thing, she looked at him back "What?" She asked.
"Nothing" he replied and smiled, "Okay, so stop staring at me, it's creepy" she said when she picked up her hair into ponytail.
Owen chuckled "I missed you" he said. Cristina kept looking at him, searching for the right thing to say "you shouldn't have" she said and turned around she started walking toward the elevator while Owen stayed in his spot.
When he came around he asked "Does it mean you didn't?".

Cristina entered into the elevator and right before the doors closed she said "I guess you'll never know"

Hope for the hopelessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon