Chapter 14

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"Whoa" Alex said as they scrubbed out
"In deed, that was fun which I really needed. It was fun getting messing with all this blood and finally forget about everything it was a pure joy..." Cristina said as she washed her hands.

Alex looked at her and smiled
"I'm sorry have I talked to much?" Cristina asked
"No it's cool, you were there for me in here for you. I'm glad I made you happy"
"Don't compliment yourself. It was just nice to... cut out of the world for a few hours"
"Wanna talk about it?" Alex asked as he dried his hands
"Only if you buy me a coffee" Cristina winked and got out of the room, a few seconds later so did Alex.
"So..." Alex said as he brought the coffee to the table
"You haven't told me yet, about all the rough stuff around here"
"Oh that's" Alex said and sipped from his coffee "This place was about to break"
"What does it mean?"

Alex took some deep breaths "after you left, Hunt.... He was broken. He started to have a drink here a drink there, and in the end of a day, the job wasn't done by him, so before the board came into this thing, we as his friends decided to step in. We sent him to Dr.Wright he started to recover and then he met Roby, at Dr Wright's office they started to date and Dr.Wright thought that it'd be right if he'll propose to her, so did he. But then he heard us talking about you and how well have you grown and developed so he jumped on the first plane to see that"

"I pretty much know this part what's so new about it?"
"Cristina" Alex sighed "he was spoused to see how well are you so he could move on but instead he stayed there, and it just made it worse"

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