Chapter 21

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Cristina woke in the morning at Meredith's house, she went down stairs and on the counter she found a note
'I found it under your bed I guess it isn't yours...' was written on the note and next to it there was a blue pager with the word O.H on it.
Crap I must have took it yesterday with no notice, Cristina thought to her self.
She went upstairs got dress and drove to the hospital.

"Hey!" She yelled over Callie who stood next to the nurses station, filling some charts.
"Hey... I haven't seen you a long time" she said and smiled over her "yeah I haven't too" Cristina replied "how you doing?" Cristina continued "I guess I'm supposed to ask you that" Callie chuckled "oh I'm fine, I have a pills I have to take once a while but I'm fine"
"Do they know what caused the bleeding?" Callie kept asking "no and frankly I don't care" Cristina said. Callie looked surprise "oh okay" she closed the chart "so why are you here? I'm sure you didn't miss me that much" she said "oh I have" Cristina winked "but I came see Owen" Callie gave her a dirty look "don't look at me that way, I accidentally took his pager, from a habit".
Callie looked confused "so you don't know?" She asked
"Know what?" Cristina replied

Callie took a deep breath and then said "Cristina.. Owen got fired"

Hope for the hopelessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon