Beach (Khai/Third)

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Khai was sitting on the bed with legs crossed, frowning as he watched Two and Third chatting on the hotel terrace. It was supposed to be just him and his cute boyfriend coming on this trip. And it was perfect for two days. They got to have a romantic dinner at the hotel's restaurant after a lovely walk on the beach. Kissing here and there, not mentioning hot lovemaking after the walk, in their room. Khai didn't plan to let Third out of bed for the next five days. And it could have worked if Two didn't appear out of nowhere in front of their door. To Khai's luck, Third let him in as the good friend he is, ruining all his plans. 

Apparently, Two and Un had a big fight enough to make Two run away from that bulky idiot. Khai didn't understand why he had to interrupt them on their vacation, though. Khai was still sulking when Third enter the room, smiling warmly at the sight of his pouting boyfriend. He carefully sits next to him, wrapping his short arms around Khai's waist. 

"Khai, he will go back tomorrow. I talked to him." Third tried to cheer him up. The taller man turned around, returning the hug. 

"He should go right now." He huffed. 

"We can't let him go now. It will get dark soon." Third, scolded. 

"I will make it up to you," he added quickly. 

"You better prepare yourself," Khai growled huskily, making Third shivered with anticipation. 

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