Camping (Off/Gun)

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Author's note: A continuation from Party. Let's make this another mini-series. 😂😋

It was a tradition for Off and his friends to go camping at the end of the semester. Most of the time, it was only him, Tay, Arm and Tay's boyfriend, New. But this year was different. Arm excused himself for some absurd reason, leaving Off to be third-wheel for TayNew. He started to plan Arm's death when he found out. 

He was standing outside his house, waiting for Tay's car to show up. Off was annoyed, knowing he had to witness his two friends, sweetness, all alone, cursing Arm to no end. 

"Sorry, Peng, we are late," Tay spoke up as he jumped out of the car, opening the trunk for Off's luggage. 

"Whatever." Off shrugged grumpily. He loaded his bag in the trunk, letting Tay close it for him. He no longer paid attention to Tay as he opened the back door of the car, settling himself inside. 

"Hi, P'Off." The cheerful voice greeted him. Off's head snapped to the side, meeting Tay's cute cousin. 

"Hi?" He manages to respond before looking questionably at his best friend. 

"I told you that Gun would go with us, did I?" Tay tilted his head confusedly.

"No." Off's brows raised. 

"P'Tay, you didn't tell P'Off?" Gun asked, evidently shocked. 

"You forgot again?" New scolded his boyfriend. 

"Sorry?" Tay chuckled awkwardly. "You don't mind Peng?" He added. 

"I am sorry, P'Off. If you don't want me to accompany you, P'Tay will send me back home." Gun said sadly. 

Off's heart tightened seeing the cute boy sad. 

"I don't mind." He smiled at Gun, assuring him he wasn't mad at him. Gun's face lit up with happiness, making Off's heart skip a beat. Maybe this camping will be better than he expected. 

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