Blue (Khai/Third)

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Third got used to the pain in his heart every time he saw Khai with the girl. He thought it couldn't get worse. Yet here he was, feeling blue, as he sits in the library observing Khai and his current girlfriend acting all lovey-dovey. He couldn't handle more of the sight. He hurriedly stood up, excusing himself and wobbling out of the building. 

The tears run down his pale face. He felt weak and had to sit down before his legs give out. He spotted a small abandoned bench under the mature tree and quickly made a beeline there. Third flopped himself on the wood, pressing his back on the tree trunk. 

"Why I am crying?" he asked himself whisper. 

"Maybe because you were strong for too long?" The soft voice answered. Third's head snapped up, meeting the short boy, with a face almost identical to his. 

"I am Rome." the boy introduces himself. 

"Third," he spoke up after he recovered from the shock.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Rome asked as he sits beside him. 

"It's always better to get things out." Rome smiled, taking Third's hand in his, giving him the courage to speak up. 

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