Fireworks (Pick/Rome)

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He was late again, and Rome should have been mad at him. The young boy felt like history repeated itself. He was sitting on the bench, watching happy couples roaming the festival, enjoying the atmosphere. And here he was waiting like last year. It's not like his boyfriend was that late, barely 30 minutes. Rome sigh as he glanced at the phone, anticipating any kind of message, but find nothing. 

Rome closed his eyes, trying to stop the tears that threatened to fall. He should be positive. This date will not end up like last year. P'Pick will come, and they will enjoy the festival together. They will buy food from the stalls, walk hand in hand, release lanterns and in the end, they will watch the fireworks like other couples. He only needs to be patient. 

All of a sudden, Rome felt an unknown presence next to him. 

"You shouldn't be sleeping here. What if someone tries to kidnap you?" 

"I don't think anyone would burden themselves with me." He smiled, eyes still closed. 

"I would." The person whispered into his ear.

"Than you should try," Rome responded, peeking at the man through his long eyelashes.

"P'Pick!" He squeaked as his boyfriend picked him up in bridal style, carrying him god-knows-where. 

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