Skate (Off/Gun)

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Loud laughter echoed through the hallway of the GMM building, making people turn around.  

"Oi, Gun. Don't let me fall." Off warn the boy beside him. 

"I won't, Papii. Lean on me a bit more." Gun giggled as the taller man squeezed his arm. 

"Why are you even riding this thing?" Off complained, trying to keep his balance. 

"It's called skates. And because I miss ice skating, Papii." Gun pouted, guiding the taller man forward and helping him to sit down on the nearby chair. 

"And it was you who wanted to try." The younger smiled, taking the skates off Off's legs. 

"I know." Off shook his head, putting the shoes on. He grabbed Gun's small hand, stopping him from standing up. 

"Let's go ice skating on our next date." Off whispered into Gun's ear, lightly brushing his lips on it. The smaller man blushed as he nodded eagerly. 

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