Sunscreen (Khai/Third)

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Third sighs a hundred times as he glimpses at the clock on the wall. Khai went out of the house to buy few missing things for their trip. Two and Bone were already here, sitting on the couch, getting slightly annoyed. 

"Where is your boyfriend?" Two asked, evidently not amused with the long waiting. 

"He went to the store." Third shrugged. 

"That was an hour ago." Bone added to it. 

"I know." Third tried to sound like nothing happened. The door suddenly opened, revealing grinning Khai. 

"I am back." He announced before kissing Third's cheek. 

"What took you so long?" Third asked, frowning. 

"The store is literally around the corner." He added. 

"I couldn't decide which one to take."  Khai rubbed his neck sheepishly. 

"You could grab anything." Third crossed his arms. 

"I know, but there are different kinds, and I didn't know which one suits you." 

"It doesn't matter." Third waved his hand. 

"Did you know there's one for soft skin, dry skin and moisturizing one too?" Khai said astonishedly. Third's eyebrow raised in amusement.

"And not mentioning the flavours." 

"Khai, don't tell me you were out almost for an hour to buy a lube?" Bone grimaced at Khai with disgust.  

"Really, Khai? Can't you keep it in pants for two days?" Two joined Bone. 

"What are you talking about?" Khai asked confusedly, taking out the tube with cream from the plastic bag. 

"I went buy the sunscreen." He showed it to his two friends, missing Third's blushing face. 

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